
Item #: SCP-5826

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5826 is to be kept in a locked room modeled after the bedroom SCP-5826 was found in. This room should be under constant surveillance and no personnel are to be allowed access without prior screening. All personnel wishing to make use of SCP-5826 should be immediately detained for questioning and psychiatric evaluation and only if deemed necessary should be allowed access to SCP-5826. During this period the personnel making use of SCP-5826 should undergo extensive monitoring via heart rate and brainwave monitors to ensure no complications arise. If personnel appear distressed at any point during their exposure of SCP-5826, or attempt to remove their monitors, the personnel is to be detained and kept in a padded room and given intensive therapy for a period no less than one month.

Description: SCP-5826 appears to be an otherwise unassuming full-size mattress with no discernible branding.