Join us - SCP-4091


Item #: 4091
Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4091 is to be kept in a locked square room with no windows and a 3 inch thick vault door at Site-45. 3 guards are to be posted around the door. Should any changes occur to the screen of the object, report to Dr. Bright immediately. All cameras in the containment chamber that are facing the screen will blur the image that is shown on SCP-4091’s screen. Anyone who views the screen should be given an immediate psychological evaluation should be terminated.

Description: SCP-4091 appears to be a television from the 1940’s. The object can play normal programming, and the channel can be changed, via the knobs. The list of channels are only from the 1940’s. The objects anomalous properties occur when it the time is at 12:oo AM, designated SCP-4091-1. SCP-4091-1 is a hypnotic message with hypnotic properties. The message starts with the screen turning to static. Then, a humanoid entity, designated SCP-4091-2, with its face obscured by shadow appears in a dark room. SCP-4091-2 Then speaks to the viewer and tells them about a secret society named [REDACTED], designated SCP-4091-3,. Then, SCP-4091-2 convinces the viewer to join the society and spread the word. After the message is relayed, the viewer attempts to tell everyone he can about [REDACTED]. Also, the television either shuts off or returns to regular programming. All attempts to trace the broadcast proven unsuccessful. All attempts to destroy the television have proven unsuccessful.

Addendum 4091-001: Dr. [REDACTED] theorizes that this message comes from an unknown extraterrestrial race not from this galaxy. Possibly from the race on SCP-3003.

Incident Report 4091-A: D-5798 is instructed to enter SCP-4091’s containment chamber. As D-5798 watches the message to the end. As the message ends, SCP-079 hacks into door locks for the entirety of Site-19 and causes a site-wide containment breach. D-5798 sprints to try to locate Gate C. D-5798 almost makes it across the bridge, but was shot and killed by MTF Epsilon-11.