1111111111118's SCPs
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An instance of SCP-XXXX prior to retrieval.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-XXXX are contained in Standard Secure Containment Crates and packing foam. Instances must not be shaken or damaged during transport. If a new instance materializes, eyewitnesses are to be given Class-B Amnestics.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers to a series of anomalous meat vending machines that spontaneously manifest in public areas. If an individual purchases a product from an instance of SCP-XXXX, a new item will materialize in place of the vended product (See exploration log). Instances of SCP-XXXX are inert unless interacted with. Although the available products are labeled as consisting of pork and beef, genetic analysis has determined the meat to be of human origin.

Experiment Log:

Test #: 1
Subject: D-430-619
Protocol: D-430-619 was directed to insert American currency into the machine and select a product.
Results: The object dispensed a product labeled “ham”. The label had a picture of an unknown man, no facial recognition matches were found.

<Additional Tests Hidden For Brevity>

Test #: 7
Subject: D-430-619
Protocol: The subject was directed to insert European currency into the machine and select a product.
Results: A vacuum sealed package was dispensed. The product was labeled “pork loin”.
Notes: A facial recognition match was found between the label and Juanma Dávila Gonzales, a citizen from Spain. Prior to the test Gonzales dematerialized according to the report of two eyewitnesses.

Test#: 8
Subject: D-430-619
Protocol: The subject was directed to shake the object.
Results: The test subject dematerialized, replicating the results of the first report of SCP-XXXX.

Test #: 9
Subject: D-885-321
Protocol: The test subject was equipped with one GPS tracker, head-mounted camera, microphone, and transmitter. The test subject was then directed to shake the object.
Results: The test subject dematerialized (See exploration log).

Addendum-XXXX-B: Exploration Log:

Dr. Bromley: When you are ready to begin, please shake the object.
D-885-321: Alright then.

D-885-321 dematerializes after following instructions. The test subject rematerializes within a large factory and inside a metal cage. Several machines in the factory are active. The walls are constructed of brick and steel beams. Several arched windows line the top of the walls. The machines show signs of age and rust. The design of the machines suggests they were built in the early 20th century. The GPS tracker updates the location of the test subject, however the GPS coordinates correspond to the Labrador Sea. Satellite images show no vessel or structure at the GPS coordinates.

D-885-321: Hey doc, you wanna tell me what the hell is going on? Where am I?
Dr. Bromley: I will let you know once we figure that out. For now we need you to look around as much as you can.

D-885-321 attempts to open the cage, however the cage is locked.

D-885-321: This place smells awful. How long do I have to be here?
Dr. Bromley: Just tell us as much as you can about what you see. Do you see anybody else around?
D-885-321: There’s lots of machines, but no people. There is a ton of different cages like the one I am in right now. Wait a second, I think I see somebody over there.

Approximately 90 meters away a figure can be seen.

D-885-321: Hey you! What’s going on!? Wait a second - the fuck - he's hanging from a hook. Get me the hell out of here!

As D-885-321 shouts expletives, the signal cuts out for several minutes. Once reconnected the video feed shows D-885-321 sitting on a rafter.

Dr. Bromley: D-885-321 what happened?
D-885-321: Fuck you. One of those things came after me. I managed to run from it but none of the exits work, they’re all locked.

Below the test subject 10 figures are attempting to reach the test subject. The figures have humanoid bodies with facial features resembling pigs. Their attempts to climb are unsuccessful.

D-885-321: I'm out of ideas. Either I die here or I see where that portal thing goes.

The test subject points towards a conveyor belt that leads to a square frame. The frame is approximately 0.5 meters by 0.5 meters in size. Inside the frame an opaque blue field is making meat products dematerialize.

Dr. Bromley recommends against D-885-321's plan. D-885-321 shouts expletives at Dr. Bromley while leaping from the rafters. As the test subject runs to the end of the conveyor belt the creatures closely follow. D-885-321 enters the opaque blue field. The GPS tracker coordinates update and correspond to Site-19. D-885-321 rematerializes inside an instance of SCP-XXXX. The test subject did not survive from the resulting injuries.

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Original Source: Wikipedia Commons
Creator: Selena N. B. H.