
Item #: SCP-5757

Object Class: Euclid


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5757 is contained inside a Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-03 at Site-03. The cell must be look like a wooded area containing plants and such, SCP-5757 is very in tune with nature and gets anxious when away from it.

When being transported SCP-5757 is willing to cooperate and be strapped down with Level II Humanoid Restriction Harness and sedated until he is transported completely. SCP-5757 has the diet of a carnivore and must be fed 3 times a day with meats of deceased animals (typically deer or rabbit) There needs to be atleast one guard at his cell just in case an outbreak of anger could potentially happen.

Description: SCP-5757 is a humanoid entity that is around 5.9 feet tall and has a head of a ram skull, it appears to have a black cloak on but at a closer view and some research it has more of a leather like feel, it seems that his "clothes" are actually a part of his body, very similar to SCP-049. We have done X-Rays on SCP-5757 that show SCP-5757 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its skin.

SCP-5757 knows only two languages, one there is no record on and sign language, he is often quite unless spoken too.

Studies have been shown that SCP-5757 will get hostile if overwhelmed because he is away from nature too long, it seems he is very fond of wildlife and plants itself and knows imesne knowledge on such subjects, other instances of being hostile is when he doesn't get fed, he turns more agressive and his calm personality turns into a wild animal like behavior, stopping at nothing to get something to eat.

Further research has concluded that SCP-049 and SCP-5757 are of the same species through DNA testing they are simply different breeds in such ways. The similarities are extremely close no doupt but they have there differences, where as SCP-049 can kill with one touch, SCP-5757 has claws and can camouflage into it's environment. Both entities are shown to bring life back to the dead but these subjects do not seem to keep any of their prior memories or mental functions, having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms.

Addendum: discovery
SCP-5757 was caught when SCP-682 broke out of containment and rushed into a wooded area destroying anything in it's path, SCP-682 running through the woods gets caught in a Restrictive Level IV Snare and hung by a tree, SCP-5757 caught sight of SCP-682 and helped it down and calming it to a degree of being docile. Both were taken into containment where as SCP-5757 accepted to come. SCP-5757x

Research When putting SCP-049 and SCP-5757 together in the same room they seem to get along while conversing in a unintelligible language that isn't documented, SCP-5757 shows to be immune to the touch of SCP-049 and enjoys reading what SCP-049 has written in his journal.

a quick interview was concluded afterward with Dr. Koda Gillispie here are the results:

Dr. K: (signing with hands) Good day SCP-5757, It is nice to finally have a talk with you.

SCP-5757: (motioning hands) Agree, it is nice to meet you.

Dr. K: Ill only be here for a little bit but i would like to ask a few questions that have been puzzling for us.

SCP-5757: (signs O then the letter K) Okay.

Dr. K: Are you and SCP-049 of the same species and do you know him personally?

SCP-5757: Yes somewhat and no i don't.

Dr. K: Interesting, are there more of you?

SCP-5757: Yes

Dr. K: Where did you come from and where did you learn to speak sign language?

SCP-5757: (silence)

Dr. K: (Puzzled) Mmm okay, would you consider teaching us your language, it would help us understand SCP-049 more considering you both speak it.

SCP-5757 (Nods head in agreement)

Dr. K: Last question before i go, what…are your intentions on living exactly? what do you do? we are curious because SPC-049 has a "profession" and are curious if you know anything like such.

SCP-5757: No, i don't know of such, i am merely a protector of nature, a guardian of it if you conclude. i understand nature and appreciate it to its fullest, it is where i feel most comfortable.

Dr K: Interesting, i appreciate talking to you and thank you for this info. Your meal will be ready soon.

SCP-5757: Etehín..