a murder of crimes
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SCP-XXXX, viewed from outside

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The building in which SCP-XXXX is located has been acquired by the Foundation and designated Containment Site-XXXX. This site is known to the general public as a Foundation front; public knowledge of the true nature of this site will be treated as a containment breach with city-wide administering of Class-A amnestics required. The entrance to Containment Site-XXXX is to be routinely patrolled by 2 armed security guards. Personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX are to have a Psychic Resistance Score of 30 or above, and are to be rotated out every month followed by Class-A amnesticisation.

SCP-XXXX is located in a 8m x 8m room on the second floor of Containment Site-XXXX. This room is to be monitored by security cameras situated in all four corners. Under no circumstances are personnel permitted to enter SCP-XXXX; any persons who are seen to enter SCP-XXXX are to be administered Class-C amnestics on their return. Should they continue to show signs of SCP-XXXX’s compulsive effects after amnesticisation, termination may be neccessary.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a mahogany door located in a former townhouse in Verona, Italy. SCP-XXXX leads out to a balcony overlooking a courtyard. Nonhuman entities and inanimate objects are able to pass through SCP-XXXX in both directions with no extraneous effects present.

SCP-XXXX’s anomalous effects manifest when a human or other sapient being enters through the doorway from within. Upon entering SCP-XXXX, subjects are transferred to a room of approximately 5m x 9m (hereby designated SCP-XXXX-1). The appearance of this room varies with each subject, but its appearance seems to coincide with an environment the subject feels comfortable with. After approximately 1 minute within SCP-XXXX-1, a humanoid entity will manifest (hereby designated SCP-XXXX-2) with the appearance of a person of importance to subject’s personal life. SCP-XXXX-2 has been known to predominantly take the appearance of the subject’s spouse; if subject is unmarried or divorced, entity may manifest as another individual subject feels attracted to. It is thought that SCP-XXXX-2 and subject communicate through the time spent in SCP-XXXX-1 (see Addendum.XXXX.2); however, SCP-XXXX-2 does not vocalise conventionally and is thought to communicate telepathically.

After approximately 5 minutes, SCP-XXXX-2 will demanifest and subject willingly exits SCP-XXXX-1. Upon returning, the subject (now designated SCP-XXXX-3) will exhibit a strong compulsion to seek out the person manifested by SCP-XXXX-2. Once this person is found, SCP-XXXX-3 will [REDACTED: See Addendum.XXXX.3]. Currently, the Foundation has only witnessed one instance of this event firsthand. Due to the nature of this event, it is thought that SCP-XXXX may [REDACTED: See Addendum.XXXX.4]

Addendum.XXXX.1: Discovery

The Foundation was made aware of SCP-XXXX in 1989 with [REDACTED: See Addendum.XXXX.3] in northern Italy. Cross-referencing these cases with historic records indicate that SCP-XXXX may have been present in Verona as early as the 1400s. The Foundation acquired the building containing SCP-XXXX (now designated Containment Site-XXXX) in 1991, and all persons who have entered SCP-XXXX since have been part of testing. Civilians who experienced SCP-XXXX-related events prior to 1989 have been treated with Class-A amnestics.

Addendum.XXXX.2: Test Log

Experimenter: Researcher Giulia Rotondo

Aim: Discover more about SCP-XXXX’s anomalous and compulsive effects.

Method: D-Class personnel are sent into SCP-XXXX fitted with a microphone and headset to communicate with research personnel. Subjects are not informed about the nature of SCP-XXXX. 2 armed guards are stationed outside SCP-XXXX. So far, video recording has not worked within SCP-XXXX-1.

Log Format:

Test No. — Date
Subject (Description, Age, Marital Status)

Test #1 — 03/01/19
D-XXXX-0278 (caucasian male, early forties, married)
Subject enters SCP-XXXX and describes a room similar to a wooden log cabin. Subject describes surroundings as ‘cosy’, with a view outside described as ‘wintery, like I’m back home again’. After 55 seconds, SCP-XXXX-2 manifests. Subject describes entity as being similar in every way to his wife.

Upon re-entry from SCP-XXXX, subject attempts to overpower security guards and is terminated. Personnel recall hearing the words ‘Take me back, I need to see her’ shouted by subject prior to termination.

Test #2 — 16/01/19
D-XXXX-0649 (african male, late twenties, unmarried)

Subject enters SCP-XXXX and describes a room ‘like a club I kinda remember’. Subject describes pink walls and strobe lighting. After 72 seconds, SCP-XXXX-2 manifests. Subject describes entity as a caucasian male with shoulder-length blond hair, ‘someone I’ve definitely fucked once before’. Subject describes how much they miss said individual before SCP-XXXX-2 demanifests.

Subject re-enters from SCP-XXXX without incident. Approximately 3 days after testing, subject describes a desire to meet said entity again. After 5 days, subject describes desire as ‘overpowering’; shortly thereafter, subject is caught attempting to break out of his cell before being apprehended and administered Class-C amnestics. No incident has been reported since.

Test #7 — 22/02/19
D-XXXX-2674 (hispanic female, late thirties, widowed)1

Subject enters SCP-XXXX and describes a living room with green wallpaper. Subject describes an ornate table surrounded by 4 chairs, as well as a decrepit sofa and small television set. After 57 seconds, SCP-XXXX-2 manifests. Subject is seemingly unable to talk for the remainder of time within SCP-XXXX-1, only uttering incomprehensible vocalisations and phrases such as ‘no’ and ‘it can’t be him’.

Subject re-enters from SCP-XXXX. Subject collapses on floor crying and is escorted to her cell by guards. Subject refuses to eat, speak or leave her cell, and is discovered to have expired 3 days following the test. Death was ruled a suicide.

Test #11 — 11/03/19
D-XXXX-8356 (caucasian male, late fifties, divorced)

Subject enters SCP-XXXX and describes a small room covered in brightly coloured walls. Subject describes a small coffee table in the centre of the room with 6 multicoloured building blocks lying of top of it. After 70 seconds, SCP-XXXX-2 manifests. Entity is described as a young boy of around the age of eight.

Subject re-enters from SCP-XXXX with no further incident. After approximately twenty-four (24) hours, subject begins pacing around his cell restlessly and muttering to himself. Subject is scheduled to receive Class-C amnestics 5 days after testing, but is terminated by a guard before amnesticisation is possible. Guard cites that subject ‘said some disgusting shit about kids… piece of shit deserved to die’. Guard is administered Class-A amnestics and reassigned.

Note: The mishandling of the case of D-XXXX-8356 has led the Ethics Committee to suspend testing of SCP-XXXX for 1 month. The Committee will decide whether testing shall be allowed to continue following the suspension.

Test #12 — 27/05/19
D-XXXX-3948 (caucasian male, early thirties, unmarried)

Subject enters SCP-XXXX and describes a room similar to a SCP research chamber with white walls and a singular plywood table in the centre. Subject describes two chairs of identical make to ones in Site-[REDACTED] and proceeds to sit in one of them. After 48 seconds, SCP-XXXX-2 manifests. Subject perceives entity as Researcher Giulia Rotondo.

[REDACTED: See Addendum.XXXX.3]

Note: After the events of 29/05, the Ethics Committee have stated that no further testing is to be carried out on SCP-XXXX indefinitely. Containment procedures have been updated; see Addendum.XXXX.3 and Addendum.XXXX.4 for further information.