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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be housed in a standard document storage locker. Research into the nature of SCP-XXXX is currently prohibited by order of O5-6.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 247 page manuscript draft of a textbook titled 'Mathematics: An Elegant Approach'. The author appears in the forward as Dr. Jameson Mica (listed in text as deceased:
1941). No records of a granted doctoral degree or academic publications that can be confidently attributed to this individual have been located.

SCP-XXXX contains subject matter believed to be significantly advanced beyond mainstream scientific and Foundation knowledge.

Efforts to harness and exploit this knowledge for Foundation purposes have been unsuccessful as subjects who make sufficient progress into the text universally display behaviors not conducive to Foundation objectives. These include becoming uninterested and withdrawn from work and familial relationships, eschewing all professional responsibilities, and a hyper-focus on specific academic or artistic endeavors. Suicide rates are noticeably increased in these individuals though violent tendencies do not statistically differ from the general population. These persons are labeled SCP-XXXX-1. Existing population is believed to be zero.

Research into SCP-XXXX has been prohibited following event Aleph-9.
