Agent Monroe

Name: ██████ ██████ (Agent Monroe)

Clearance level Level 3.


Assignment: Taking her past in mind O5 decided to train Agent Monroe in Espionage.
She now work as a double agent within The Church of broken God.

Personal History: Agent Monroe was found in 2011 in ██████ Denmark under the search of SCP-███ there she was found in a torn white dress and messy hair after been taken to Site-██████And being questioned the she was rambling about people in white suits and two guys in white coats with a gear in the middle resembling priests. After some further questioning we were told that all she remembered was her being at her home with her phone about to call a friend and all of a sudden a white light and the men was in her room one locked her door while the other took her on the shoulder and thats all she remember.

How The Church Of The Broken God was able to make a body resembling Agent Monroe's Body is a mystery but use of SCP-726 is suspected.

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