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Object Class:Keter

Special Containment Procedures:SCP-5072 is to be kept in a 20x20 Obsidian cube completely surrounded by Opaque Laminated Glass placed in the middle of its containment cell at Site-██. SCP-5072 may only be opened for testing. Any other reason must be requested and sent to the O5 council to decide.

Description:SCP-5072 is a small clear ball that weighs 256.89 pounds.The reason for it being so small yet weighing as much as it does is currently thought to be the weight of the entity within SCP-5072 itself which is known as (SCP-5072-2)SCP-5072-2 is a male with dark hair and blue eyes and wears a robe covered in blood stains. SCP-5072 was found in ██████ on ██/██/████ inside of an abandoned rotting cabin stained with blood. While SCP-5072 was being recovered over a Dozen Agents were killed via exsanguination with deep tube shaped holes within their skin. Once SCP-5072 is touched,dropped,looked at for extended amounts of time,thought about for extended amounts of time or untested for extended amounts of time It will *shine* this is not a visual shining however, personnel report to *feel* a presence of light within the room although the *shine* is not seen.

Once SCP-5072 *shines* SCP-5072-2 will appear and will sit and mediate for approximately 2 hours during which no personnel are permitted to interrupt it or enter its containment zone. While 5072-2 meditates Security personnel are to go to the Armory and arm themselves with the following: Flamethrower, 3 AN-M14 Thermite grenades, Flashbangs and 5 CTC grenades. Once 5072-2 finishes meditating personnel should wait for 5072-2 to say the following "My children i welcome you unto my domain" if this is said personnel may go put their weapons back and enter SCP-5072's containment area to talk and interact with 5072-2 under no circumstance is personnel regardless of level to enter SCP-5072's containment area while it is active.If SCP-5072-2 says "Your presence sickens me, I shall strike you down in which you wicked ones have done to me" Security personnel are to immediately throw 2 Thermite grenades into the vent above SCP-5072's Containment zone. If successful SCP-5072-2 will begin to scream in a language that has connection with our current world.

While 5072-2 screams this language, Personnel are to cover their ears while screaming as loud as possible to overpower the screams of 5072-2 if any personnel hear what 5072-2 say's they will begin to cry and lash out at others around them. During this they are to be terminated with no question or reason. If 5072-2 escapes containment Security teams are to use their incendiary weapons only if absolutely needed to prevent 5072-2 from entering a rage state.

While 5072-2 kills personnel others are to praise 5072-2 as if it were the only god known to human existence and offering it gifts while complementing him if this does not work one attractive female is to offer him sex and if accepted is to lure him into his containment zone and is to then terminate 5072-2 via incineration. If none of the attempted recontainment efforts work Security personnel are to engage in combat with 5072-2 in which it will enter rage mode and summons dark shadow like entites that run at Security personnel and tear and ███ them. During which 5072-2 will seek the nearest female and will tear open their chest cavity and [REDACTED] once 5072-2 finishes harvesting he will begin to ███ the █████ at which point he will become unphased by all damage and will begin to head to the armory and grab a single weapon of his choice and begin killing all personnel that it can before being killed. During this 5072-2 does not seem to reload nor need ammo for its weapon assuming that 5072-2 is capable of creating things whenever he wants to. during this time 5072-2 will gain strength and speed and begin running and tearing open Class D cells and other containment areas wreaking havoc on the facility and not stopping until its lust for blood is filled or it is terminated by the following: Incineration,dismemberment,crushed or dissolved in 682's acid.

When 5072-2 is terminated 5072 will burst into pieces and all lights in 5072's containment zone will stop working and a group of unknown individuals will circle around 5072's shards and begin to chant slowly reforming the ball and disappearing once finished. Any attempts to terminate any of the group members will result in the death of the individual who tried to terminate them. This process usually takes around 1-2 weeks to completely reform the ball.

Addendum: Addendum 5072-1 interview

Dr.████:Where are you from?

SCP-5072-2: Why would i tell you idiot.

Dr.████: Uh ok, What is your name?

SCP-5072-2: That is none of your business you incompetent fool

Dr:████: Ok, My lord could you please share knowledge as to where you came from and why you are here?

SCP-5072-2: becomes interested and elated once he was called "lord" See you have finally came to your senses child, Was it that hard? Now, I came from the heavens you see, I was cast out by my own "friends"

Dr.████: So you're a god?

SCP-5072-2: becomes slightly agitated and says "A" GOD? what do you mean A god! I'm the only GOD!

Dr:████: becomes frightened and apologizes and leaves the interview.

When Dr:████ was asked why he became frightened and left the interview he says he could feel the energy in the room change from happiness to hatred and knew that 5072-2 would kill him if he stayed any longer.