Chlorophyte [draft]

SCP #: [filler]

Object Class: Safe/Thaumiel

Description: SCP [filler] is a living organism that appears to be some kind of flora, with a density much higher than any known material that are not considered abnormalities (named “Chlorophyte” by foundation staff) found growing underground in ██████, Colorado in ██/██/1921. The cave was discovered by coal miners in a remote unnamed mine, who discovered it upon harvesting a vein of coal. The entire mine is camouflaged with the environment and hidden from the general population. The cave is an estimated 700+ square km, and is 389 meters from highest ceiling to lowest floor. It is 5371 meters below sea level. The cave has its own ecosystem made of mostly plants, with common insects being the only “non-plant like” life. There is no sunlight, and despite this, the plants still flourish. Most of the plants found in the cave can also be found in Amazon Rainforests, except for SCP [filler] which is only found in the cave. SCP [filler] itself is deeply green, and when fully developed has cyan bioluminescent buds which become flowers with the same cyan hue. The survival of the surface plants is believed to be from the UV energy produced by SCP [filler]. The object has plant cells, and even has chloroplasts despite the lack of sunlight, along with a previously undiscovered organelle which is theorized to use the energy created by the chloroplasts to provide the abnormal strength the object possesses. Abnormalities of the object are it’s unusual strength and weight. It is denser than Osmium, having a density of 102.661 g/cm^2. Despite its density, it is lighter than aluminum, a cubic centimeter weighing only .566 grams. In terms of hardness, it is off the charts on Mohs Hardness Scale, being incapable of being cut by diamond tipped tools, but can easily cut diamonds. Harvesting SCP [filler] proved difficult, since there are no known materials that can cut the SCP. SCP [filler]’s melting point is 15,351℉ so it is expensive to harvest even with heat. On ██/██/2004 the foundation was able to use superheated plasma to slowly cut through the object. Due to the strength and low weight of the object the foundation was able to find many uses Chlorophyte.

Behavior as an Organism: SCP [filler] seems to function as a hive mind. However since the SCP appears to die once harvested, the range of the hivemind is incapable of being tested. The SCP itself has minimal aggression only attacking foundation personnel when an attempt to harvest a large portion of the SCP is made. The attack itself was nonlethal, SCP [filler] lacerated the workers with razor sharp vines but never killed anybody.

Foundation Uses: Chlorophyte tipped AP ammunition in calibers .556, .45, .50 beowulf, .50 BMG, .22 LR, and even 22 mm rounds sold to the US military for uses with the A-10 Thunderbolt II. [DATA REDACTED]. Chlorophyte Infused Kevlar (CIV) plates for body armor issued to foundation personnel with clearance of level 3 and above ONLY during specified experiments and/or missions. CIV plating for vehicles of all categories (land, sea, and air) Using CIV plating in airlocks and security doors within the facilities. [DATA REDACTED]. Chlorophyte tipped tools that last longer and cut faster.

Notes: While the foundation utilizes SCP [filler] for many things, it is expensive to harvest and use so use of chlorophyte has been restricted to only be used in containment of Keter class SCPs and capture of Elucid and Keter SCPs. Any other uses must be approved by 05████. Despite it’s abnormal resilience, it’s resistance to actual abnormalities is generally low, and even after extensive testing, the foundation has found no ability to nullify other abnormalities.