Human Safety Deposit Box
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: A perimeter of 5 meters should be kept around SCP-XXXX. No important equipment should be brought within this perimeter.

Six healthy adults, three male, three female, known as subjects m-1, m-2, m-3, f-1, f-2, and f-3, are to be kept on site. Groups 1 through 3 are to be rotated between basic living quarters and SCP-XXXX on 3 hour shifts during the daytime. During the night all six subjects are to sleep inside SCP-XXXX. Subjects must be naked and checked for any carried items before entering SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a cube shaped area, measuring 6 meters on each side. From inside the cube, SCP-XXXX is invisible. From outside, the interior of SCP-XXXX is tinted red. The interior of SCP-XXXX maintains a temperature of approximately 21 degrees Celsius (exact measurement is impossible due to the nature of SCP-XXXX), regardless of outside conditions.

SCP-XXXX is located █ kilometers from the village of █████ in Pakistan. Site ████ was constructed around it, as SCP-XXXX cannot be moved from its location.

SCP-XXXX prevents most objects from entering its area, based on certain criteria. Most non-living matter is annihilated when coming into contact with the boundaries of SCP-XXXX. Exceptions are breathable air, which passes through the sides of SCP-XXXX unhindered, as well as naturally occurring minerals, such as rocks and sand, for which the sides of SCP-XXXX act as though they are solid. Most living matter, including plants, fungi, and non-human animals, are unable to enter the cube, for which the sides of the cube also act as a solid.

The only entities known to be able to enter SCP-XXXX are healthy, able-bodied, fertile human beings. At all times, SCP-XXXX must contain at least one male human specimen and one female human specimen. There is no known upper limit. When SCP-XXXX contains only one specimen of a certain gender, it is impossible for that specimen to leave SCP-XXXX, as the walls of SCP-XXXX will behave for them as if solid. In the case that a specimen is not fully contained within the cube, they will count as not being in the cube, as far as the total number of contained specimens is concerned.

While contained, specimens do not require water or food. Adult specimens do not age while inside of SCP-XXXX. Infants and children, while they cannot enter the cube from outside, may be born inside SCP-XXXX, in which case they will age normally while inside. In the unusual case that a child resides within SCP-XXXX until adulthood, aging is apparently paused, although this has not been observed since SCP-XXXX's containment.

Humans inside of SCP-XXXX cannot be harmed or killed, either by attempting to harm themselves, or each other. They are immune to all physical illness while inside, but aren’t protected mental conditions. The human specimens already within SCP-XXXX at the time of its discovery by the Foundation were mentally degraded and unable to communicate effectively.