
Foil Characters

Alton Countac (researcher) (like, 30? idk)
Desire for control trumped desire for least resistance
- Desires control-> authority removed control-> wants to operate out of the way from authority
- lazy-> psychology because it was easy in high school-> wait shit, it's really hard-> desire for control caused him to work harder at it in order to excel, and better control his path-> contacted by foundation during job hunt, very abnormal which attracted him-> worked hard to get promoted-> stuck at research director because it allowed him most effort to freedom ratio.
- flaw:
- arc is forging meaningful relationships

Kyle Pan (SCP) (college student)
desire for control and lazy,
-reality bender, artistically minded/gifted
-abilities heavily influenced by mental state
Desire for control-> wanted to dictate own life, freelance/indep artist is the dream-> spent much of middle school, and early high school practicing and honing abilities in private, motivated by spite against normality-> spite ran out, motivation crushed, through high school, slogged through academia.-> got into a decent college, but is very unsatisified, and frustrated with how things are going.-> got sloppy, foundation took him in.
- flaw: deeply dissatisfied, unable to
- arc is figuring out how to life

Countac: Morning
Kyle: Hey
Countac: How are you doing?
Kyle: Reasonable, I guess you could say
Countac: I'm glad to hear it, what should I call you?
Kyle: Kyle's fine
Countac: Alright, Kyle it is. So, Kyle, you've been causing quite a ruckus huh?
Kyle: Sure
Countac: Why is that?
Kyle: Why is that? What are you, my therapist? I didn't get the impression that you guys did this around here.
Countac: The ethics committee made a ruling, so now we have to follow through. This isn't permanant, I only minored in psychotherapy, but until we can get more qualified people in here, you're stuck with me.