Amari EJ


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Photo taken by Agent ████ in site ██ before transfer.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must remain in an immovable tank which has been built into the floor. It is to be provided with a water source and algae every two-weeks. Contact with the item is prohibited and attempts to relocate SCP-XXXX must only be performed by Class-D Personnel and SCP-XXXX-P.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be an orange and white shell. Previously thought to be uninhabited, SCP-XXXX has left faecal traces on personnel and in its tank. [DATA EXPUNGED] had claimed to have seen a claw coming from the shell, because of this it is to be given a supply of oxygen, water and sustenance until further notice.

The full effects of SCP-XXXX have not all been established, although it seems to be able to take and store the memories of any person who either touches or moves it. Those who have touched it will instantly gain the memories of whoever last touched SCP-XXXX before them. The person who has undergone the memory exchange will be referred to as SCP-XXXX-P. It is important to note that SCP-XXXX-P's sense of identity is not affected by this transfer; they are still able to recall their name, date of birth, sex and even personal preferences such as favourite foods, in most cases this will cause internal psychological conflict in XXXX-P.

After the initial confusion, psychosis and suicide are the most common end results for those that have touched or moved SCP-XXXX. Subjects tend to always realise that their memories no longer correlate with their identity. Some cases, typically with younger test subjects, show that they will dismiss their identity and adopt a new one which matches their newly obtained memories.

SCP-XXXX-P is able to touch and move SCP-XXXX without undergoing the memory exchange again. Further testing is required to determine all technicalities tied to SCP-XXXX.

Addendum 1.1: Touching SCP-XXXX will trigger its effects. It is important to keep in mind that those who move it will also undergo the same effects. Moving the shell by hitting it with another object or picking up a container or platform which SCP-XXXX is in/on, are among a few methods to activate it. It is, however, safe to move SCP-XXXX using vehicles and machinery.

Addendum 1.2: Due to malpractice, SCP-XXXX will be transferred from site ██ to the [REDACTED] bio-facility at site ██-A on ██/██/18. All information passed on by site ██ is to be reviewed and re-tested.