From Sea to Shining Sea

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C:file:///%20 Cradle of the land

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The Land is our cradle, the loving mother who suckles our hungry mouths, who provides the stage on which we act out life's drama and whose arms we fall into when our lives reach an end.

Authorization Granted. Welcome, Dr. Somerfield.

Item#: 5000
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Main entrance to SCP-5000.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Lead Assigned Task Force
Site 008 Superdeep Borehole Lauren Somerset Armond Lavóne God's Green Earth

Containment Update: In order to properly understand SCP-5000 along with the entities that inhabit its interior, the following additional containment provided have been updated: Site-008 has constructed a super-bore hole approximately 5000 metres deep within SCP-5000 for the purposes of research and continued Containment. Individual members of Containment Task Force-Alpha-12 ("God's Green Earth") have been stationed within specifically constructed hibernation chambers, with each chamber located within the bore-hole, at an approximate depth of 3000 meters. Before entry, each member is to be administered subliminal stimuli pertaining to an approved collection of questions attributed to SCP-5000-1 instances. Each hibernation chamber is to be hermetically sealed at an average temperature of 37 celsius and is equipped with intravenous feeding tubes have been placed within each chamber, with a high protein forumla administred daily. Monitoring equipment connected to Site-008 have been installed in each chamber, with maitnence of both chamber and equipment occuring on a weekly basis. Individual members of Alpha 12 are to only be contained within a hibernation chamber for a maximum of thirty days. After the thirty-first day, individual members are to be secluded within Site-008's clean room for an approximate period of twelve hours, where information is to be retracted and stored for future research.

Special Containment Procedures: An exclusion zone has been enacted around the perimeter of Hadar, Ethiopia Entry into SCP-5000 by civilian populations is prohibited, with the front entry of the cave system covered by organic cement. A cover story of structural collapse is to be given.

Description: SCP-5000 is the designation given to a massive cave system originating in Hadar, Ethiopia. Despite originating in the African continent, SCP-5000 is believed to connect to other cave systems across Europe, Asia, Africa and American landmasses. SCP-5000 is chiefly composed of limestone and large calcium deposits,capped by a large layer of sandstone of undetermined age. SCP-5000's mean depth and size is unknown, but is believed to likely exceed seven kilometers deep, and likely over eighty two kilometers of cave system. SCP-5000 contains a hypothetical entity or group of entities1 capable of direct communication with human subjects through the use of memetic transfer. SCP-5000 entities have currently not been observed optically, and as such, physical details remain unknown. SCP-5000-1 entities are believed to posses a degree of sentience and intelligence, as observed by preliminary information during the discovery of the entities. Alongside sapience, SCP-5000-1 entities posses a strong degree of curiosity towards human observers, with subjects stating an urge to answer questions relating to the basic concepts of 'dreams', 'food', 'animals' and 'weather'.

Addendum No. 1 History:

The original discovery of SCP-5000's anomalous characteristics are currently unknown, although it is suspected that early humans within Hadar, Ethiopia likely knew of its existence, judging by a group of cave paintings within the local area. These cave paintings and other primitive pieces of art depicted humans interacting with what are suspected to be SCP-5000-1 instances although this has not been currently confirmed.


Cave painting near Hadar, Ethiopia, believe to depict early humans interacting with SCP-5000-1 entities.

The Foundation's first recorded history relating to SCP-5000 dates to approximately 3/7/194█, where researchers stationed within site-008 reported a strong compulsion towards entry of SCP-5000, coupled with a desire of expressing 'gratitude.' The following file is directly from Site 008's historical records, dated to 3/7/194█ , and accounted to Dr. Emile Morãles, chief head of research at the time.

//A great fire had struck the region just days before we had made our arrival to Site-008 and the aftermath had been too great to ignore. But what had surprised me had been that the flames had seemed to ignore

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