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SCP-#### in a dormant state, hanging along a telephone line within it's containment.

Item #: SCP-####

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### was discovered on a remote highway along the Mexican state of Michoacan, and is to be contained within a 5 km x 5 km area, in regards to its original point of discovery. The location is to be surrounded by a chain-linked fence topped by electric razor wire measuring 4.4 m in height. Along the perimeter of the fence are to be 8 manned stations, measuring 6 m in height, with at least 2 armed personnel per station on site at all times. The 4 center aligned stations are to be equipped with anti-drone turrets. In the case that SCP-#### approaches any closer than 5 m of the fencing, personnel are to be prepared to neutralize SCP-####, and are permitted to fire at any perceived sign of an escape attempt.

SCP-#### often will remain dormant unless it detects another lifeform within a span of approximately 5 m, and thus it is prohibited to enter the containment area or hold tests within it without a Level 4 Clearance or higher. In the case that this requirement is not met, any surviving personnel responsible will be subject to ███████████. Any civilians that approach within 10 km of Containment Site-██ are to be redirected, and in the case of the exposure of SCP-####, civilians are to be given class A amnestics. SCP-#### has exhibited territorial behavior, therefore it rarely gets close to the boundaries of its containment. There have been no perceived escape attempts to date, because of this behavior. (See Addendum)

Description: SCP-#### in its dormant state appears to be a mildly decomposed animal carcass measuring about 2.2 m long and weighing approximately 135 kg. However, SCP-#### will exit this dormant state and become mobile (see Special Containment Procedures), hatching out of the mass of flesh it resides in and then consuming it. In its active state, SCP-#### embodies a mammalian creature, although without visible facial features (other than its mouth), or skin, thus exposing its muscle tissue and flesh. SCP-#### has exhibited its ability to fly, doing so with great speeds measuring near approximately 277 m/s, however, it is not certain that this is the fastest SCP-#### can maneuver. In its active state, SCP-#### stands at 2.7 m in height with a wingspan of approximately 6 m. When SCP-#### locates a potential prey item, it will swoop down and clasp it with its talons, which appear very birdlike, before consuming it.

In the case that SCP-#### is neutralized it's remains will enter a state of rapid decomposition for approximately 6 hours. At this point, the flesh will begin to distort and grow into a sac-like structure. This structure is SCP-####'s dormant state, and a new body will begin to develop within it. Any living organisms that come into contact with SCP-#### during this nourishment period will be grabbed by what appears to be a ████████, and pulled inside of SCP-####, assumedly to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. This appears to be the primary food source of SCP-#### during the nourishment period, and the abundance of these resources can attribute to the length of the time of growth within this period.

Addendum ####-1: SCP-#### made its first escape attempt, quickly traversing the gated perimeter before armed personnel were able to neutralize it. Approximately █ on-site casualties were documented. More advanced containment procedures must be met in order to prevent any further incidents of this magnitude. (See updates to Special Containment Procedures)

Addendum ####-2: Observation has shown that SCP-#### seems to be developing a more curious nature. Several personnel claim that SCP-#### has been ‘studying’ their actions, even though it has no eyes to physically observe. Not enough information is known to draw any major conclusions.

Addendum ####-3: A second instance of SCP-#### attempting to escape occured, reportedly when both guards at Station 2A has turned their backs to it. However, it was stopped by the recently installed turrets.

”It is much more dangerous than originally thought. It appears to retain its memory from previous stages in its life cycle. If we don’t stay one step ahead of it, SCP-#### WILL find a way to escape. It's only a matter of time. - Dr. Felix"