Asmp 2

item #:SCP-xxxx

object class: safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is contained and studied in site-28, this object doesn't need any special security measures and can be accessed by all personal level 3 and above.

Description:SCP-XXXX is a 3cm x 3cm x3cm cube that has screw in it.this cube is made out of steel, SCP-XXXX is capable of time travel when turning the screw to the right the user will move forward in time and when turning the screw left it will move the user back in time. SCP-XXXX can be used by all personnel level 3 or above and it can be used for experiments or research.

How to use SCP-XXXX: when turning the screw left or right every 90 degrees is equal to 5 years in the future or past. SCP-XXXX is to be handled carefully and returned to its containment after using it.
all personnel levels 3 and above can use the cube for 5 minutes a week at most.

Discovery: SCP-XXXX was discovered by foundation field agent at jones creek in the state of Texas. after discovering the capabilities of this SCP the agent brought the SCP into the nearest SCP foundation site.