

Object Class Keter

Special Containment procedures
SCP-XXXX is locked in a 5x5x7 meter box of steel with 500 meters of cement in every direction and 1 500 meter long tunnel with a 15 meter steel door with a cement center and a 3 way security system.
to gain access to the room SCP-XXXX must be in the 5x5x7 room and the time lock must have been closed until SCP-XXXX is in the inner most box. The box is kept in site ██ where it is in a disclosed location that you must have overseer access or access granted straight from Dr. ██████████* to get to the area in which SCP-XXXX is located.

*Dr. ██████████ was found dead 12 Days ago stabbed to death in his apartment in Southern ██████████.

SCP-XXXX is been seen by only the doctors who try to and the men and women who trapped
SCP-XXXX, SCP-XXXX look like a dog but has teeth about 2-3 feet long depending on where the teeth are in the mouth the total weight of SCP-XXXX is about 504 pounds.
SCP-XXXX will kill anything within a 50 meter radius of SCP-XXXX if SCP.
SCP-XXXX has a total of 331 confirmed kill all of witch will be listed in the "Confirmed Kill" section.


Report # Reported By Report Date
#R.3448358-1 Dr. Sherman Price 1998-05-15
#R.3448358-2 ██████████ 1998-05-17
#R.9947387-1 Dr. Rafael Graham 1993-06-23
#R.9947387-2 ██████████ 1993-06-23
#R.8477382 Dr. Tony Leonard 1989-02-15