Baronjoe 2

Second Sandbox so to avoid cluttering my other one.

My pages:

Okay, relax and aim, Lucas. You have been trained for this. This will end well.

Trained to shoot at an unstoppable abomination? Oh please. No training can prepare you for such a thing. You are likely gonna die this time.

No, don't think like that. Grip the rifle tight and have confidence.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Theta-8 are to track sects or individual practicioners of SCP-XXXX. All members are to be treated as anomalous entities until fully examined, and administered a dose of amnestics.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers

Note: this concept might be related to Fifthism or something else