Baronjoe Compensation
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-A is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-42. All received instances of SCP-XXXX-B are to be deposited into a Foundation-owned bank account and processed for exchange. The monetary amount obtained will be transferred to a savings account, which is to be used to fund containment. Access to this account is limited to Level-4 personnel.

SCP-XXXX-A is a 1.8 m tall female humanoid with red, lobster-like claws in place of hands. A set of functional gills similar to those of sharks (Selachii) are located on its neck. Its hair is naturally light blue, and the feet are webbed. Piscine scales cover most of its lower legs along with small patches of skin on the arms and torso. The eyes resemble those of a moray eel (Muraenidae) colored blue.

SCP-XXXX-A consumes more water than average humans.

and it is able to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time. The longest time documented was 16 minutes and 23 seconds. SCP-XXXX-A is partially sensitive to heat which after prolong exposure will cause it to be thirsty from mild dehydration.
SCP-XXXX-A consumes more water than average humans. It is able to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time. The longest time documented was 16 minutes and 23 seconds. SCP-4521-A is partially sensitive to heat which after prolong exposure will cause it to be thirsty from mild dehydration.

SCP-XXXX-A has natural light blue hair, and in place of hands it possess red lobster-like claws. Its feet are webbed and covered in fish scales which cover up half of the lower leg. Patches of fish scales also cover other areas of the skin. Its eyes resemble that of a moray eel (Muraenidae) which is blue. SCP-XXXX-A also has gills resembling those of a shark on its neck.

SCP-XXXX-A consumes more water than average humans. It is able to breathe underwater for a limited amount of time. The longest time documented was 16 minutes and 23 seconds. SCP-XXXX-A is partially sensitive to heat which after prolong exposure will cause it to be thirsty from mild dehydration.

SCP-XXXX-A had claimed its name to be Susan Walsh. This is reinforced by instances of SCP-XXXX-B.

SCP-XXXX-B is a series of checks that arrive weekly addressed to SCP-XXXX-A. The sender is stated to be Dr. Wondertainment. The checks come in a variety of colors and the background has a stylized W. The amount of money written on the check is 1,500 dollars.

SCP-XXXX-B appears via mail or suddenly within SCP-XXXX-A's chamber. Attempting to remove instances leads to it appearing again in SCP-XXXX-A's chamber. When taken to a bank to deposit it, the 1,500 dollars appear in an account owned by the Foundation from an unknown source. A secondary anomaly found is that checks would not deposit if the funds gained is not intended to be spent on SCP-XXXX-A's containment. SCP-XXXX-A has referred to the instances as worker compensation checks in interviews (see addenda). Below is an example of an instance of SCP-XXXX-B.

 Dr. Wondertainment!

Date: ██/██/██

Pay to the Order of: Susan Walsh $ 1,500

One thousand and five hundred Dollars

Signature: Doctor Wondertainment

Addendum 01: Interview Log

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-A

Interviewer: Dr. Margaret Pierre

<Begin Log>

Dr. Pierre: Hello, I am Dr. Pierre. I will be asking you a few questions.

SCP-XXXX-A: Nice to meet you. I'm Susan. Also, sure. Go ahead.

Dr. Pierre: Alright… Can you tell me about what happened to you? Were you born like this?

SCP-XXXX-A: Oh no. I was normal. I look like this due to an accident I had at work.

Dr. Pierre: (Papers shift) At Dr. Wondertainment, I presume? What did you do there?

SCP-XXXX-A: I was just an intern. I always wanted to have a career at Dr. Wondertainment, and so I needed to start somewhere.

Dr. Pierre: How does one become an intern?

SCP-XXXX-A: Oh by being a loyal customer and winning a contest. Dr. Wondertainment tries to make it a fun process. Sometimes it is like in Harry Potter. You know, like getting a letter from Hogwarts? That type of deal.

By the way, can I have some water? I'm feeling a little thirsty.

Dr. Pierre: Sure. (Dr. Pierre gestures to a guard to give a water bottle to SCP-XXXX-A.)

SCP-XXXX-A: Thanks! (Struggles to open water bottle, and start to mumble to itself. The sounds of the water bottle being crushed is audible.) God damn bottle.

Dr. Pierre: Um, would you like assistance?

SCP-XXXX-A: Ah… No thanks… I almost… (Successfully removes lid) Got it!

Dr. Pierre: That's great. Anyway, let us continue. What occurred at Dr. Wondertainment that resulted in your accident?

SCP-XXXX-A: (Sighs) Well, I was working with the development team on one of Wondertainment's projects called Ocean Buddies. That is not the final name of the product by the way. The guys at marketing will decide on that. Anyway, my boss, Ian, was in charge of development.

We had a machine that was to make the Ocean Buddies. We were suppose to use some production clay to make the first prototype, which is used for making most living products like the Little Misters line. Anyway, Ian… he did not want to submit a form to acquire the production clay so he used an alternative, cheaper option. He used some jelly stuff that was no longer in use.

To sum it up, the machine exploded. Now I look like this.

Dr. Pierre: That is very unfortunate. Then what happened?

SCP-XXXX-A: I then got workers compensation.

Dr. Pierre: Well, that explains the checks.

SCP-XXXX-A: Yep, those are my compensation checks.

Dr. Pierre: Hm. I think that we come to the end of this interview. Thank you and goodbye.

SCP-XXXX-A: Goodbye.

<End Log>

Addendum 02: The following is the first letter to come with an instance of SCP-XXXX-B.

Dear Susan,

I firstly would like to give my sincerest apologies. I was deeply sadden to hear about your accident under the management of Ian on the development of Ocean Buddies. Ian should have been more responsible.

I hope you enjoy your stay with the Foundation. I will be providing them your checks to take care of you (don't worry about it going elsewhere). Meanwhile, we here are going to find a way to undo what Ian did. Don't worry about it. Also, we sent him to the Time Out Facility.

Ian wants to send a letter which will come with the next check. Letters from me will arrive to let you know how things are going. The work place sure won't be the same without you.

Dr. Wondertainment and Associates

Below is the letter mentioned in the previous letter that arrived along with the next SCP-XXXX-B instance.

Hey Susan,

Well, they got me locked up in frickin time out. I want to say sorry for the whole mess. I was honestly not expecting anything bad would happen. I doubt that means much to you, but I do hope the Doc can undo my mistake. Sorry.
