Of Empty Ships and the Barren Oasis.

There’s a lot of stories about ghost ships out there. Everybody knows a few, and a few know a lot. One of those stories happens to be that of the T. S. Barren Oasis, a survival plan that didn't quite pan out.

The story of the T. S. Barren Oasis starts with the Taurians, as their name is said in English. They weren't too unlike most other spacefaring peoples in the universe, in biology and history. The only thing that really set them apart was a very small part of their genetic code that was effectively incomplete, allowing them to modify it on an individual basis for personal preference or out of necessity. The reason that they had this ability of sorts was the same reason the Barren Oasis came into existence in the first place.

The history of the Taurians wasn't as smooth as other peoples' histories. Wars had been incredibly common, even after they entered the interstellar stage. They had used biological weapons, chemical ones, nuclear ones, and virtually every other type imaginable repeatedly throughout their sixteen millennia of history, literally shaking their home planet in the process. The damage piled up after long enough, both to the planet and the people. Their genetic code slowly fell apart, leaving them with the previously mentioned incomplete part. The planet didn’t take it as well, though.

Imagine taking a jawbreaker candy and placing it in the microwave. The core of the candy heats up, leaving it almost molten. If you were to bite into it, or break it in any way, all that molten center would spill out everywhere. But even when it’s still inside the candy, unbroken, you can feel the heat on the surface. Now imagine how much damage it would take for a planet’s core to undergo a similar reaction.

The Taurians had reached this point by their tenth millennium. But they didn’t realize it for another seven.

Their planet’s core had turned from a solid core to an unstable, rapidly decaying radioactive mess reacting dangerously with the mantle. Take the jawbreaker example from earlier, and replace it with a planet’s mantle, core, and crust. Place it on a timer of a few centuries remaining until it explodes, and cover it in a dangerous layer of radiation. That was the situation the Taurians found themselves in. They had no other options apart from ditching the planet entirely. And that’s where the Barren Oasis comes in.

Four ships had been created to evacuate the entire population off of their home planet: the Empty Metropolis, Ignorant Seer, Foretelling Fool, and the Barren Oasis. All four ships took off from separate locations around the planet a few months before it was projected to fully collapse, each carrying a billion and a half. Each three hundred miles long and ten tall, it had taken well over a century to build them. They were triumphs for the Taurians, representing a bold and valiant fight against nature itself. Well, three of them were.

The Empty Metropolis was converted into an orbital station, eventually turning into a common place for anyone doing business to meet up. The Ignorant Seer itself turned into a city