Barry Boi's scp
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be contained on scp-xxxx-a which is to be kept in a 10” x 10” x 5” steel box. There is to be no less than 2 armed guards protecting scp-xxxx-a.

As of Incident xxxx-██, all testing involving scp-xxxx is to be cleared by a Two-thirds (2/3) vote by the O5 Council. Only Level 4 researchers are permitted to test with scp-xxxx. All interactions with scp-xxxx are to be monitored by 2 guards, physically in the room with the test subject and a member of the O5 council, monitoring activity through a screen sharing device installed on the computer.

All personnel (excluding class D) can get a copy of scp-xxxx-2 as long as it is cleared by a level 3 researcher first.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a 3.4 GB executable file named “Site Manager.exe”. The exe is stored on an 8 GB flash drive (now referred to as SCP-xxxx-A). SCP-xxxx appears to have an unusual anomalous property in the fact that any actions performed in SCP-xxxx automatically translate to life in the exact same way performed in SCP-xxxx.

Upon opening SCP-xxxx, subjects are presented by a singular screen asking users to enter a location. SCP-xxxx is able to understand postal codes and general descriptions of locations, Eg: 300m Northwest of Site ███. Upon entering the desired location and pressing “ACCEPT”, users are greeted with a 100% accurate Isometric view of the inputted location. Users are then prompted to select one of 5 Tools located in the bottom right corner of the screen. The 5 tools are: View, Zoom, Select, Create, Delete.

Selecting “View” allows users to change the camera angle to a different location.

Selecting “Zoom” allows users to zoom in on the structure with the left click and zoom out with right click.

Selecting “Select” allows users to select Items and ██████ within the structure.

Selecting “Create” allows users to click a point on the structure, which will bring up a prompt to type in a word. Upon typing a word and pressing “Create”, said item will appear directly where the user clicked.

Selecting “Delete” will █████████████████████████████████████████████
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████████████████████.

Testing Log xxxx-03:

Notice: Under Authorization by O5-█, Testing log-xxxx-03 has been cleared to view.

The following tests were authorized by O5-██ and spectated by Dr.█████

Test# 045
Subject: Dr.████████
Location: Site ██
Action: Dr. ████████ built a 20m x 15m x 3m room with one(1) wooden table in the center. A bowl of chicken noodle soup was placed on the table.
Result: A 20m x 15m x 3m room was created in Light containment, next to Dr. ████████’s office there. Inside was a singular wooden table with a bowl of soup.

Note: soup time ~Dr. ████████.

Test# 046
Subject: [REDACTED]
Location: [REDACTED]
Action: [REDACTED]
Result: [REDACTED]

Note: What the bloody hell was he thinking? ~ Dr.█████

Test# 047
Subject: D-9697
Location: The Moon
Action: D-9697 created a singular apple

Note: I’m wondering if there is a hard-coded limit to SCP-xxxx’s distance? ~ Dr.█████

Test# 048
Subject: D-9697
Location: Pluto
Action: D-9697 built a copy of the “Tsar Bomba”.
Result: D-9697 was stopped before he could press “Build”. D-9697 was carried out of the testing chamber and promptly terminated.

Note: What an idiot. ~ Major Researcher ██████████

Test# 049
Subject: D-8891
Location: D-8891’s cell
Action: D-8891 selected “Create” and typed in the name of D-4312.
Result: D-4312 was visibly confused about how she had arrived in D-8891’s cell. Both were given amnestics and escorted back to their respective cells.
Note: That was interesting….it can teleport people too. ~ Dr.█████

Test# 050
Subject: Junior Researcher Nyugyen
Action: Junior Researcher Nyugyen selected “Delete” and navigated to Senior Researcher ██████████.
Result: Junior Researcher Nyugyen was approached by Agent ██████, who attempted to apprehend Junior Researcher Nyugyen. Junior Researcher Nyugyen broke free of Agent ██████’s restraints and proceeded to attempt escape. Junior Researcher Nyugyen was terminated via gunfire in front of gate C. Senior Researcher ██████████ was found dead in his office. Autopsy of her body has revealed no cause of death, Presumed killed by scp-xxxx.

Addendum: As of [Testing log ██/██/████], any and all attempts to run SCP-xxxx on any storage device other than scp-xxxx-A have proved to have no anomalous abilities. These non-anomalous versions are to be referred to as scp-xxxx-2.