
Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-#### is to be kept at Site ##. It is allowed to roam the facility with the exception of other SCP containment areas. Staff are allowed to interact with SCP-#### so long they are not conducting work, testing other SCPs, distracting them from must do tasks. Staff are not allowed to be violent or show unneeded push force towards SCP-####.

SCP-#### has characteristics of a snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus), with one key difference. The Owl’s body shape is a perfect sphere, or as perfect as it can be. With the exception of the beak, small feathers, and feet, the body itself is made to be a perfect sphere with a circumference of about 66 centimeters, roughly the size of a volleyball. Weighing about 1.3 kilograms. SCP-#### makes the similar hoots and noises a regular Snowy Owl makes. SCP-#### can not fly on its own despite it having wings. The wings are not able to keep its body a flight, and when put in the air, SCP-#### will flap its wings in a erratic pattern, as if in a panic.

Other qualities this SCP has is its skin. Its skin has rubber like qualities, allowing it to be bounced like a basketball. Aside from it being squished upon impact, the SCP will always retain its original shape after impact. The beak, feathers, and feet don't appear to be damaged and SCP-#### shows enjoyment upon being used like this, hooting and chirping upon being played with. Upon being displayed great amounts of force, SCP-#### will begin to actually gain speed upon impact. Bouncing and ricocheting around whatever area it is in until it calms down. The period of accelerated speed varies, from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. Speed is gained upon impact with a solid surface. If it were to make impact with a liquid surface or a net, it will make a splash, ranging in size due to the speed of SCP-#### at impact. If a net is not strong enough to catch SCP-#### the first time, SCP-#### will tear through it, and lose a considerable amount of speed, and not gain anymore until the next instance of force is used upon it.

Other anomalous qualities is its seemingly impenetrable skin. Unable to be pierced by sharp objects, blunt force or any other means. (See addendum ####). SCP-#### also seems to have human level sentience and intelligence, able to understand words and actions, while also reacting appropriately to said actions. Those who wish to do harm (Either for testing or intentionally) to SCP-#### have been prime targets for when SCP-#### goes richoeting around.

SCP-#### was found in ██████ High School, after reports of a “chirping volleyball” by several students. Agents went and retrieved SCP-#### after giving class A amnestics to any witnesses.

Addendum 1: Using one 9mm round from a Beretta pistol, at 15 feet, shot at SCP-####. The round makes contact before bouncing downwards into the floor. SCP-#### shoots backwards before bouncing off the wall and rolling towards the shooter. SCP-#### seemed to roll towards them by coincidence, not of its own effort.
Addendum 2: Dr. ██████ was walking towards the staff cafeteria when SCP-#### rolled towards them. Upon chirping, Dr.███████ kicked SCP-#### with considerable force. SCP-#### chirped and hooted upon the kick, bouncing around the hallway. At first it was going a speed of 15MPH, before picking up to speeds of about 70 MPH. Dr. ███████ attempts to leave the hallway before SCP-#### makes contact with his face. Breaking his nose and several teeth, and rendering him unconscious. SCP-#### soon came to a complete stop, as it simply bounced off of his face and onto the floor before stopping. Upon seeing Dr. ██████ not moving, SCP-#### begins to roll away from the hallway, chirping and hooting, before attracting the attention of 2 foundation guards.
Dr. ██████ put in a proposal to upgrade its class to Euclid. Denied.