Bee Plushie

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Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:



Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-XXXXs nature it does not require locked containment and is kept on hallways of site-43 (usually around canteen). Head researcher of SCP-XXXX (as of writing, Dr. Amari) is to take it to surface open-levels of the facility at least once a day in order to keep its mental health in proper condition. All direct interactions with SCP-XXXX are above all to be friendly.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a football of "Kipsta" brand that possesses a form of sentience, and can produce sounds, thus speak, through anomalous means1. It speaks English, but has an accent determined to be Slavic.

SCP-XXXX was discovered, and transported to site-43 by Dr. Amari on 20/11/22 where it was subjected to a number of experiments and interviews2.




Conversation between SCP-XXXX and Dr. Amari.

Date: 13:20, 03/12/22.
Foreword: recorded by Dr. Amari after taking SCP-XXXX outside site-43.

[Dr. Amari puts SCP-XXXX down on grass]

Dr. Amari: Are you sure you don't want a blanket, or anything? It's cold out here.

SCP-XXXX: No no, I don't feel cold.

Dr. Amari: Oh, right. By the way, do you have a name? You are classified as a number, but I prefer calling you your actual name. Especially out here.

SCP-XXXX: uhm, you can call me ball.

Dr. Amari: Your name is just ball?

SCP-XXXX: Well… I'm a ball, so you can call me that.

Dr. Amari: Alright, ball. Do you remember anything about your creation? As in, were you always a sentient football?

SCP-XXXX: Yeah I just sort of, always existed as a ball.

Dr. Amari: You could speak english from the beginning?

SCP-XXXX: Oh, no, there was this guy…uh,they taught me english, or well, the basics. I also learned about stars from them.

[Dr. Amari sat down next to SCP-XXXX]

Dr. Amari: So how did you part ways?

SCP-XXXX: Uh, well, they usually left me in their backyard when they slept and one day I just got stolen, and then dumped in that forest after i tried talking with the thief, the same forest you found me in.

Dr. Amari: Oh, sorry to hear that, do you know their name? Or where they're from?

SCP-XXXX: No, unfortunately. They had brown hair hair though.

Dr. Amari: Brown hair is quite common, so finding them will be difficult.

SCP-XXXX: It's okay, I bet they're fine, and I like it here,

Dr. Amari: You don't miss them?

SCP-XXXX: It's fun here, there are so many people to talk with, noone is afraid of me.

Dr. Amari: Well you're lucky you ended up here specifically, not every site would allow an anomaly to just wander the hallways.

SCP-XXXX: I suppose… Amari, do you think we could come out here after dark? to watch the stars.

Dr. Amari: Sure, we could tomorrow, if the weather will be nice.

SCP-XXXX: Thanks.

End log.

note: SCP-XXXX had a sticky note glued on top of it afterwards, which read "Ball".
If the previous owner of SCP-XXXX is found they are to be subjected to class-C amnestics.
