
rating: 0+x

You're looking through the ruins. Everything went wrong here at Site-187, and it only had a single object. All of the eastern part of North America is just gone, obliterated, no remains expect for the rubble at the bottom of the see. Maybe the veil wouldn't lift if you could try to find the machine. It might be gone, no, you know it's gone, but maybe you might find something.

You see a monitor, somehow still surviving. Wait, it's plugged into something. You look, and it's the machine. Its blown up, a huge hole in the center. The computers fine though. Great, the computers already logged in. You find a folder called 'SCP-XXXX.ent'. Do you read it?

5/5152 LEVEL 5/5152
Item #: SCP-5152

SCP-5152 in Site-187

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5152 is to be contained in a standard containment cell in Site-187.1 Access to SCP-5152 is to be given by order of at least 2 members of the O5 Council. Unauthorized entry to Site-187 is to be punished by serve means, including and up to termination.

Description: SCP-5152 is an automation, 2 meters in length and 5 meters in width. 3 wires protrude from SCP-5152, though heavily modification to the device.

SCP-XXXX has multiple settings, some of which result in a K-Class scenario when the top setting is selected, a list of which can be found below.

  • Producing Top level Gravitational Waves — ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario
  • Producing Parallel Universe 'cross-pollination' effects — CK-Class Restructuring Scenario
  • Producing ███████ ████ — TK-Class Total Human Transmutation

SCP-XXXX contently produces radiation, though at a very weak level, however if a lot of time is spent, radiation sickness will still come into effect.

Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]