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Item #: SCP-[NUM]

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-[NUM]-1 is physically to be placed in the centre of a room with an open ceiling, approximately five by five metres in size.
All other instances of SCP-[NUM] (currently SCP-[NUM]-2 through SCP-4773-14), are to be contained in a fenced off open area outside Site ██. This fenced off area should consist of sixteen lots, each five by five metres in size, each of which may hold one instance of SCP-[NUM]. For each of these instances, a circle is to be drawn in red paint, to distinguish the physical location of the instance.
All products derived from instances of SCP-[NUM], that are not in use by the Foundation elsewhere, are to be kept in a five by five metres room, guarded by a combination lock safe in the storage room located on Site ██.

Description: SCP-[NUM] is the designation for a number of trees of species Quercus coccifera, commonly known as Kernes Oak, of which SCP-[NUM]-1 is the oldest and largest, being approximately fifteen metres in height. These trees looks exactly like any other tree would, and are all deemed entirely healthy, except their visual manifestation appears 1.6 metres away from where the tree physically is. This results in both invisibility of SCP-[NUM], and the illusion of a tree 1.6 metres away from it.

SCP-[NUM] was found in the early 1980's in a forest near the town of ██████, Poland. It was discovered by a ranger, who collided with SCP-[NUM]-1. When this ranger made a report of the incident, the Foundation was notified, and SCP-[NUM]-1 was transferred to Site ██. The area SCP-[NUM]-1 was found in was then thoroughly checked for additional trees with anomalous properties, but none were found. Another check was done twelve months later, which resulted in one young tree displaying the same properties. It is speculated that this tree, designated SCP-[NUM]-2, is sprouted from one of SCP-[NUM]-1's acorns. No anomalous trees have been found on location since then.

Since the recovery of SCP-[NUM]-2, additional trees have succesfully been grown by the Foundation on the grounds of Site ██, from acorns of SCP-[NUM]-1. Each of these display the same anomalous properties. Additionally, wooden products derived from an instance of SCP-[NUM], with the exception of sawdust, also display these properties. Leaves that fall from an instance of SCP-[NUM] will lose this property upon hitting the ground.

Because some "researchers" are getting too excited about supposedly "kicking straight through this wooden plank", pranks with invisible box mime acts are getting tiresome, and mostly because pranks with sticks attached to desks to trip coworkers are getting outright dangerous, I have decided that researchers wishing to perform testing with SCP-[NUM], or those wishing to use its properties in a useful manner are now required to attain permission from level 3 or higher personnel.