SCP Idea


Name: The Chronicle
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-#### is to be contained atop a pillar within the center of a lead lined room. This is to prevent any possible memetic, psychosomatic or personality related effects from taking place. All personnel interacting with or performing tests on SCP-#### must do so under the supervision of at least two other members of staff under a moderate clearance level and with direct permission from Dr [REDACTED] or Dr [REDACTED]. SCP-#### must be held in place by two chains, measuring at minimum 4 cm in thickness, from one side to the other. These chains will be held by a military grade titanium alloy lock.

Object Description:
SCP-#### is a book bound in a dark, unidentified, leather-type substance. It has been noted that the depth of the book has no direct correlation with length. The exact color of SCP-####'s binding doesn't appear anywhere on the light spectrum, however, the closest correlation is black.

Carbon dating processes show that the book was originally written in the early 1500s. The pages, ink and binding all appear to be of the same composition, despite their different appearances. Unusually, there appears to be no sign of decay within, other than a slight discoloration of the pages.

Individuals entering the containment cell of SCP-#### have reported to be immediately attracted to the object. Analysis of brain function has confirmed it to cause total relaxation, however those who are visually impaired, in infancy or are otherwise incapable of reading are unaffected. Those who require an aid to read immediately become affected once the aid is applied. Placing this SCP within range of other SCPs capable of reading appears to have a similar effect, though to a much lesser degree. Placing multiple people within range will cause only the closest one to be affected. The entire purpose of this is believed to be to create an instance of SCP-####-2.

After 6 days of exposure, the effect appears to wear off, regardless of vicinity, and it isn't observed to ever return. At this point, the individual will be unable to open SCP-####, regardless of how much force is applied (See test ID [REDACTED]). Should the person in question open SCP-#### within this 6 day period, the effect will not dissipate at any point. Once the first page is read, the individual visibly changes and are now considered SCP-####-1. Light within the vicinity noticeably dims and electromagnetic currents become destabilized for approximately 10 seconds, whereupon the most recent thought of the individual will be brought into reality. Rereading pages does not have the same effect.

It has been noted that at this point, SCP-#### has attained a highly advanced connection with SCP-####-1. Any damage to the book will immediately transfer to SCP-####-1, and, once all eye contact is broken, SCP-#### will have repaired itself. Please see test report [REDACTED]

Once asked, SCP-####-1 will always refer to the object as 'The Chronicle of [REDACTED]'. It is believed that [REDACTED] is the creator of the SCP, though this cannot be confirmed.

A complete list of the stages can be found below:

Page Number Physical changes Mental changes Hazard Level
1 None Attraction to the book Low
5 Paling of the skin, Blackened spit and blood, Dried eyes Brain damage, introversion, withdrawl symptoms, 'second-hand' mental disruptions Average
12 Skin becomes scaled, Eyes shriveled, Elongation of bones Complete loss of social interaction, Violent tendencies, Devotion to the book Average
34 Hair loss, blindness, muscle wastage, further skeletal deformation Continuation of 12 Moderate
56 Growths forming on head, loss of eyes, blackened lips, all hair lost, large gains in height Loss of violent tendencies, it is believed that the mind of the victim has been mostly erased High
[REDACTED] Transformation into SCP-####-2 complete, believed to be the original form of the author Complete replacement of mind Very High

Recovery Log:
SCP-#### was located in a public library in 2014 among the Crime and Thriller section by an age 16 female. Parents were issued multiple reports of their daughter skipping classes and being impossible to locate during both breaks and lunch, and eventually, after seeing her state, took her for an examination. The results of the medical exam were seen by foundation agents who quickly located the cause and successfully retrieved it. The family was told that the cause was a form of poison present in the bindings. No amnestics were given, as the daughter died from the residual effects three days later, and there were no records present in the library for the book.


Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
In the event of a manifestation of SCP-####-B, the surrounding 750km radius must be completely evacuated, alongside SCP-####. The decided cover for this large scale action will be an imminent nuclear strike. These SCPs must NEVER come into contact with each other, in case of immense damage to surrounding area and loss of civilian life (See incident report [REDACTED]). All satellites must monitor for massive electromagnetic anomalies to ensure no life is within the area. After 24 hours, the manifestation will disappear. No damage must come to SCP-#### within this time, as it has been observed that SCP-####-B will immediately redirect any harm towards the surrounding landscape.

Object Description:
SCP-####-B is a 5 meter tall female humanoid, featuring tough skin (Similar to that of a rhino) retaining the color of the pages of SCP-####, no eyes or muscles, numerous extra joints and tumors replacing all hair. It has been observed that the voice of SCP-####-B is entirely composed of screaming children, approximately four months in age. Please see incident report [REDACTED]

SCP-####-B manifests once a reader reaches page [REDACTED] of SCP-####, and appears to have direct control over probability within an approximately 500km radius. 24 hours after manifestation, SCP-####-B will vanish, leaving behind scraps of skin, bone and ink. Any ink must immediately be disposed of via incineration, and other remnants are to be taken to site [REDACTED] for analysis.

Via the use of text analysis, Dr [REDACTED] and Dr [REDACTED] attempted to reconstruct the data within SCP-####, however were unsuccessful, other than retrieving this message on page [REDACTED]:

"It's all a game of hide and seek inside your head. You found me. Now I found you. [REDACTED]"

Both employees were found deceased later in the day, missing their brains. Please see Incident Report [REDACTED for more information]