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Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: the following procedures must be followed as to limit possible deaths to a minimum. Subject must be kept in an air tight room with no air circulation. No food or water to be given to subject under no circumstances, as it does not require food, water or oxygen. Should the need arise to move or to get physically close to subject the following should be done. Ensure the cell is housed within a facility with proper, and adequate air filtration systems capable of purifying gasses released during cell opening. (Subject capable of purifying the air itself and will do so if subject is in a good mood). After cell opening and closing an airlock will take place and the room will be need to be evacuated, and cleaned with special cleaning agents. Hazmat suits used during opening will be dipped in special solution to be purified.

Description: human-oid in question is over a hundred years old and has a very peculiar ability to produce toxic gasses from simple foods or liquids. (similarities to internal fermentation). Subject seems to be very handsome, as well as charming, but not in any special, or unusual way. Appearing as a young and healthy man, despite not eating and being over 100 years old.. Having been previously held in a land slide covered by snow and ice in an unnamed mountain located in Italy. After confirmation to be alive due to the ice slopes melting, and small clouds of highly toxic organic mustard gas pockets found at the base of the mountain. Subject was then moved by containment team redacted. To current facility at redacted. Room redacted.

Addendum subject was born to a small family in Italy in redacted and participated in world war one. Christened redacted it's life was normal until the age of 7 when subject discovered that it could breathe in the smell of animal manure and not be troubled by the smell or lack of air. At 9 it started to notice that when it drank or ate certain foods it would be able to burp out a vapor smelling just like the food, or drink, or causing the air to taste like it. Subject became more and more proficient at creating gas from its body. Perfecting it until It could blow out a rolling wall of gas. However tragedy struck as it's home was on the border between kingdom of Italy and the German empire. (Subject refuses to say anything else about it's previous family, just that they where gone and he was all that was left.) Enlisting into the italian army, it proved to be an invaluable asset as subject was immune to German, and friendly gas attack, and could produce it's own gas which it could control and chose it's targets. However subject does state that while it's physical body didn't take damage, it's mental state was practicaly destroyed by the war. After a particularly cruel and bloody battle subject was said to have screamed, and charged the opposing army's lines spewing out a toxic wall of specialized corrosive, chorine gas. (Subjects stomach seems to work as a chemistry set, and it's organs are capable of holding different liquids, and solids, and mixing them to together.) That night subject states every single thing on that battle field died that night. From it's own comrades, to the enemies, to the carrier pigeons, to shrubs, to the little things it saw eating the bodies, and scaring off the magots. (Possibly scp-redacted?) Subject was found surrounded by dead. Italian soldiers died quick deaths, while the German soldiers where covered in boils, burn marks, with skin peeling off and some with lungs coughed out. This is the last thing subject remembers, further sessions will be required…

personal notes Did a little more digging and found that subject seems to somewhat connected with communist revolutionary redacted. Subject stated in a passing afterthought that "he always wanted me to make a gas to will keep the blood pumping! To stave off sleep, and tiredness! The last time I saw him I gave him a jar with a prototype of the gas, it was a gift as he was deserting and heading to Russia, which had become communist, I wonder if he made it?". Subject then went on to talk about the many symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.