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Item #: SCP-4043


Close up of SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4043 is to be folded up and stored in a 1m by 2m container on Site 19. SCP-4043 can be visited by any personnel with level 3 clearance and above. Do not expose SCP-4043 to any sort of liquid substance or food, and SCP-4043 is to be handled for no other reason than research.

Description: SCP-4043 is a very worn quilt, having a faint scent of methane gas. If SCP-4043 is exposed to any sort of liquid or food, a loud noise, recorded to be 156 decibels, will emit from the quilt. Any means to destroy the quilt have resulted in temporary deafness; SCP-4043 can only be worn by decomposition. SCP-4043 appears ordinary until set upon a bed. When SCP-4043 is put onto a bed, a humanoid figure appears underneath the quilt, referred to as SCP-4043 -1. SCP-4043-1 has been seen showing different limbs from under the quilt, including its head, from the eyes up. SCP-4043-1 appears to be a 5 to 10 year old male, and is capable of speech. He often invites others under the quilt with him, with promises of making them feel happier. Anyone who decides to join him under the quilt has been heard giggling and whispering (See SCP-4043 A). When they reappear from under the quilt, they recall no memory of ever being under the quilt. SCP-4043 was discovered in London, UK on ██/██/19██. A 43 year old woman living in her apartment reported that she had someone else living in her home without permission. Police investigated the house, and found a quilt had someone underneath. When they took the quilt off of the bed, no one was there. This caught the attention of the foundation, and was put into containment on ██/██/19██.

Addendum XXXX-01: Some personnel who have seen SCP-4043-1 before claimed to have occasionally seen another entity other than SCP-4043-1 under the quilt; they describe it to have black skin. They claim the sclera of its eye is red, and the iris is blue. SCP-4043-1 was interviewed on ██/██/████. (See SCP-4043-1 A)

Addendum 4043-02: Personnel have started to become distracted, having a strange urge to see SCP-4043-1. Some personnel who enter the room request to leave after one to two minutes, claiming they are uncomfortable.