The Human Phoenix - bonder25

Item #: SCP-5540

Object class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5540 cannot be permanently contained due to its anomaly and cannot be deprived of its knowledge about the fundation, so, the fundation made the deal of give rewards to SCP-5540 in exchange of it's collaboration and silence about the foundation.

Description: SCP-5540 is a male human with some of it's abilities enhanced , such as: almost perfect memory, great vision, great audition, great flexibility and a great stamina letting it run for long periods of time, DNA test reveals that the body of SCP-5540 is not anomalous, at least no more than its enhanced physical abilities let see.

The true anomaly of SCP-5540 is the ability of resurrect at some place where SCP-5540 has been, with all his body and clothes it was wearing and deleting any external change that has been done to SCP-5540, due this, the fundation needs to be in a good relation with SCP-5540 to avoid information leaks.

When SCP-5540 starts to resurrect, its body and clothes turns into ashes and an intense light silhouette apears at the place where SCP-5540 is going to resurrect, after a moment, the silhouette changes to the physical body of SCP-5540, this light emits a high temperature, some tests reveals that the light can reach [REDACTED] degrees kelvin, but this temperature doesn't scape from the silhouette, so, whenever it won't be touched, there will be fine.

At the deal made with SCP-5540, is written that SCP-5540 has to help with at least 2 tests for week to reclaim its right to get a new object or furniture each 2 weeks, also, this is made for the peace of both parts, because if SCP-5540 wants to scape and don't help the fundation, SCP-5540 will be haunted by the fundation, due to the fact that he still is a SCP.
SCP-5540 helps in test with other SCP's, acting as a D-Class, SCP-5540 is allowed to give ideas for new tests, as long as the idea were approved by a personal of level 4 or higher.


• SCP-5540 resides on a normal room at the Site [REDACTED] that acts as a home for SCP-5540, and where it saves all the objects that it claims due the deal.

• SCP-5540 ends with hunger as result of the resurrection, due this, sometimes it resurrect at the dining room.

• SCP-5540 has the right to carry a Glock 17 pistol at his ankle, loaded with only one bullet and altered to be lethal only in a really short range, requested by SCP-5540 in case it need to commit suicide for some reason, also it has a necklace with a bullet for emergencies.

• If SCP-5540 resurrect into the next hour since its death, it will be more tired, contrary to the time it has been dead, for example, if SCP-5540 resurrect just after diying, it will be exhausted and will fall asleep, this loses effect as the time goes, this effect in none after the hour of death.


Incident SCP-5540-1: In a test with SCP [REDACTED], SCP-5540 died as result of the test and it start to resurrect an hour later at the dinning room, but at the place where SCP-5540 wanted to resurrect, there was a Security Guard taking his dinner, when the silhouette of light appeared, the Security Guard was calcined at the act, and turned into ashes, due this, at the dinning room of the Site, a exclusive area for SCP-5540 was made, where no one can be at any time to prevent more incidents like this.