
Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard sentient humans living unit with 30 cm thick, fireproof reinforced walls. All personnel entering SCP-XXXX’s unit must wear Class B fire-retardant jumpsuits. Interaction with SCP-XXXX is permitted with security clearance of Level 1 or higher. As implied by the subject's secondary class, SCP-XXXX is cooperating willingly with Foundation orders and containment; thus, personnel are advised against antagonizing or otherwise mistreating SCP-XXXX.

EDIT [09/01/2018]: SCP-XXXX-A Dr. Skogland has willingly decided to remain in containment with SCP-XXXX until further notice. SCP-XXXX’s containment cell to be upgraded to a living unit in accordance with the above specifications suitable for two (2) persons. Staff are advised to be wary of SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-A whilst SCP-XXXX is tested for anomalous social and/or cognitive manipulation.

EDIT [09/08/2018]: As Dr. Skogland is himself non-anomalous, and is presumably not under the effect of any anomalous properties, the Foundation has deemed it inappropriate to refer to him by SCP-XXXX-A. Documents have been amended accordingly.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a human male, roughly 25 years of age, of East Asian and Scandinavian descent. Subject refers to himself by his birth name, Shin Birkeland. SCP-XXXX has the anomalous capability to produce and direct flame of temperatures up to 1100 degrees Celsius. Subject is not capable of directing, extinguishing, or otherwise changing fire which he has not produced through the use of his anomalous ability. It is unclear whether this is caused by some unique property of the flames he produces, or simply an arbitrary caveat his power must abide by.

Note: All content of further interview logs has been deemed irrelevant to Foundation interests. Further interview logs have been expunged. -Dr. Otto