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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a climate controlled facility in site-██. SCP-XXXX-02 is to be contained in a cell that is atleast 10' by 10' by 10.'

Description: SCP-XXXX is a black, male leather trench coat dated to the 1980's. The inner lining of the coat is grey. As of yet, the lining was created of an unknown, lightweight fabric. Numerous white scraps have been found on the coat, leading researchers to believe the previous owner cut the tags off. The trench coat has been measured at 114.3 centimeters in length, with the chest measuring 101.6 centimeters in length.

SCP-XXXX has been seen to increase brain activity in humans. Subjects who have been exposed to SCP-XXXX have shown a heavy urge to put the coat on. When SCP-XXXX has been put on, subjects show homicidal and genocidal tendencies, attacking various inanimate objects and humans nearby. Surveillance has shown subjects to have increased agility and reflexes, and knowledge in hand-to-hand combat and use of ballistic and melee weapons. One subject , when exposed to several armed attackers, managed to fend off and kill the attackers utilizing various martial arts and weapons given to the subject. Most subjects who have put on the coat have been found [DATA EXPUNGED]. The only known subject alive after wearing the coat has become SCP-XXXX-02.

SCP-XXXX-02 is a lean, Caucasian, human male appearing to be in their late 30's, measuring 1.8288 meters in length and 70.013 kilograms in weight. The subject has shown enhanced agility and reflexes, along with advanced knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and the use of ballistic and melee weapons. Attempts to communicate with SCP-XXXX-02 have been unsuccessful, with the subject refusing to speak.
