CobraDude1's Second attempt at an Scp

Image of SCP-4491 taken from inside a crevice of it

Item #: * SCP-4491

Object class: Keter

Containment Procedures
SCP-4491 is contained in a large room filled with cameras and covered with soundproof foam, one camera is inside of 4491 thanks to an incident were it broke one of which stayed intact for about 2 seconds without shorting out. 4491 is a constant blur on cameras and if this blur goes away send in a Class-D or any personnel in the area who does not have LVL 2 access and make them shock it. If fail to do so 4491 will divide into 3 large humanoid creatures and all 3 will have to be shocked in sync if an instance of this occurs. If every form of SCP-4491 escapes they will form back into a meat cube and will cause all of their abilities to activate in a 100Km by 100Km but it will take 1 hour to reform without being shocked and if they do reform outside of the facility shock them with 1000 to 1500 Volts and they will stop reforming and will turn into a gooey substance and must be placed in a large vat of Sodium Hydroxide and brought back to its chamber and will reform in 1 to 5 weeks.

SCP-4491 is a meat cube made with bones eyes and muscular tissue when it is viewed with the naked eye and if somebody views it with glasses on it is blurry as well as if it is viewed using a camera. Many have tried to draw this SCP instead of taking a picture of it and 3 minutes later it starts to blur, if the person who has drew 4491 is in 5 meters of the picture they are turned into a blur and turn into what we call 4491-04 which is a significantly smaller version as if 4491 divides into its 3 counter parts which these three counter parts are:

4491-01 Which resembles a meat cube in the shape of a human estimated to be 7.8 creates meat creatures which resemble humans that have large spikes coming from their mouth and fingers (which are called 4491-01-A) have been unsuccessfully terminated with a regular gun, but they can be terminated with either a flamethrower or an electrical baton after which they will turn into a bloody liquid.

4491-01 cannot be shocked if there are any 4491-01-J alive

4491-02 resembles a human that is estimated 2.7 tall which can control any personnel in a 15 meter radius if they here an alarm sound that rapidly echos from its mouth and stomach which somewhat resembles speakers. The only way to block out this noise are headphones and soundproof foam, if there isn't any headphones around shoot it in the head once which will temporarily stun it which will allow personnel to shock it.

If 4491-02 controls personnel play rock music or any loud music

4491-03 resembles a melted human which is estimated to be 3.9 which has a layer of an acid liquid that which is believed to be carbonate acid (which has a PH of -18) and can melt anything unless shocked which the liquid will evaporate ( but will turn into an acid gas so cool it down with liquid nitrogen and it will turn back into acid) and then shocked a second time to be contained. In fact if there is a Tesla Gate nearby it will be immediately be fully shocked and will be a gooey substance, unlike it being shocked twice normally, which must contained within a vat of Sodium Hydroxide an alkaline substance of a PH of 14 (if 4491-03 is contained normally it still must be placed into the vat of Sodium Hydroxide.

If 4491-03 touches the ground outside of the facility where it is contained it may cause all grass around it to disappear and never come back and the radius it will effect is 55Km by 55Km

*Notes after testing*
If water is poured filling half of the chamber and is electrified 4491 will turn into a gooey cube substance and if it divides water is to be poured into its chamber unless 4491 has clogged up the water pipes with meat and bones.

If 4491 is attempted to be evaporated in its gooey state it will form into a large 4491-03 and will be more slower but more powerful.

If 4491 is subjected to any chemical reactions in its gooey state it will expand increasing in scale by 1.5.

Testing has been terminated on 4491 since the last time it was tested it built up its shock resistance to 2 shocks to be re-contained