collab: Doctor Elder Mah - Praxium
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Item #: SCP-XXXX


SCP-XXXX powered off in containment

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a locked case within a O5 clearance storage facility. The case must remain under 24-hour surveillance by on site security personnel and electronic security measures. For laboratory and testing purposes, a 9.6V 200ma DC power supply used to power SCP-XXXX must be kept in the same container within a separate compartment. Access to SCP-XXXX can only be granted by the written approval of no less than three O5 staff members.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a Fuzz Face Guitar Effect Pedal produced by A██████ E██████████ Ltd. in 1966. SCP-XXXX is circular, 12.7 cm in diameter and is labeled with the words "Fuzz Face" written across the top. It contains two 6.35mm stereo audio jacks at the top labeled "In" and "Out". Two knobs protrude from the top face of the pedal labeled "Volume" and "Fuzz", and a power on/off button protrudes from the lower center of the pedal. When unpowered the device exhibits no anomalous effects. When an individual directly powers the device through it's on/off switch the following anomalous effects take place:

  1. The individual who powered on the device will suddenly remember everything they've experienced in perfect detail. This includes auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory information as well as abstract information such as memories and concepts. This includes experiences and information lost due to the use of most amnestics.
  2. When the device is powered off by any means, either by power switch or disconnection, the individual returns to their mental state before the activation of SCP-XXXX, forgetting everything that took place during the period SCP-XXXX was active.

The nature of the stress sustained while under the influence of SCP-XXXX results in increasing damage to the brain over time. The damage sustained in this way is permanent and is not restored by turning the device off. The following chart explains the most commonly experienced of these damages.

Time Exposed Effects of Exposure
0:00-0:30 No Effect
0:30-1:15 Cluster Headaches
1:15-2:40 Heavy distortion and stuttering in speech
2:40-3:30 Aggressive Paranoid Hallucinations
3:30-4:10 Catatonia
4:10-5:00 Permanent loss of vision and hearing
5:00+ Complete paralysis and significantly reduced mental activity

Tests beyond 5 minutes have proven to be inconclusive and therefore unnecessary.

Measures to counter-act these effect are included in Addendum-1.


Jimi Hendrix under the influence of SCP-XXXX

Acquisition log: Discovery of SCP-XXXX: SCP-XXXX was recovered after the estate of the late James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix was auctioned off following his death in 1970. The pedal was discovered at the "Jimi" Hendrix museum after an employee activated it to demonstrate it's unique sound and proceeded to hastily excuse herself before leaving the tour group untended. She was found dead in the bathroom from self inflicted wounds approximately 20 minutes later. Further investigation revealed that the museum employee had been a victim of repeated sexual abuse as an infant. Dr. Mahrienzi believes the immediate and unexpected recollection of these memories to be the cause of her death.

Adendum-SCP-XXXX-1: Countermeasures: Dr. Mahrienzi's hypothesis regarding SCP-XXXX's original user proved to be correct. It is apparent from early stages of testing that the use of seratonin interactive treatments may help the subject to cope with the effects of SCP-XXXX for an extended amount of time. Notably preventing the permanent side effects and allowing better lucidity during the period.

"This should have been obvious, he's known for two things, psychedelics and his skill while on them. We need to see if we can get some real use out of this thing the way he did." -Dr. Pralland.

Testing of SCP-XXXX has been authorized under the discretion of the council as of █/██/20██.