Secure Facility Dossier: Site-19

S.C.P. Foundation

The following file is Level 4/S-19 classified.

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Facility Dossier: Site-19



SCP Foundation Secure Facility Dossier

Official Designation: SCP Foundation Nebraska Research and Containment Facility

Site Identification Code: USNEOM-Site-19

General Information

Founded: ██ █████, 19██

Function: Site-19's primary objective is researching and containing Safe, Euclid, Keter, and esoteric class anomalies, as well as serving as a operational and logistical hub.

Location: U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, United States.


Site-19. 199█.

Outward Posture: U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Offutt Air Force Base.

Veil Identification Of Above Ground Facilities:

Size: Total Area of ██.971 km2


Land Sector 1:

  • Hangar Bays 1-30.
  • Manufacturing department industrial buildings
  • SCP-2918 Containment hangar.
  • 55th Wing dislocation.
  • Research Wing A.
  • Mobile Task Force quarters (disguised as the U.S military).
  • Foundation aircraft. MTF-Zeta-5 ("Lazarus Abominables") operation base.
  • Logistics Department (disguised as the U.S. military storage.).
  • Hospital bulting.
  • Community Commercial & Services.
  • Mobile Task Force General Supply Depo.
  • Office Buildings.
  • Government buildings.
  • Foundation owned apartments as restrooms for Foundation personnel.
  • Facility 23.
  • Solar System Oversight Department observatory.

Governmental Sector 1.5:

  • Floor 1: Elevator and staircase Access to Sector-1. Emergency exit. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 2-4: Special services offices and barracks.
  • Floor 5 & 6: SWAT barracks.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 8: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 9: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 10: 557th Weather Wing.
  • Floor 11: FBI operative base.
  • Floor 12-16: NASA laboratories
  • Floor 17 & 18: CIA base and offices.
  • Floor 19 & 20: US Department of defence operative base.
  • Floor 21-23: Unusual Incident Unit operative base.
  • Floor 24: Access to Sector-2.

Research Sector 2:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-1. Emergency exit. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 2-4: Buffer zone. Security Office.
  • Floor 5 & 6: Equipment Testing Facility.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 8: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 9: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 10: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 11: Secure Humanoid Containment Cells
  • Floor 12-14: Safe class containment wing. Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 15 & 16: High Value Item Storage Facility. Storage Lockers.
  • Floor 17-21: Safe class humanoid entity containment.
  • Floor 22: Safe class containment wing.
  • Floor 23 & 24:Test chambers. Access to Sector-3.

Office Sector 3:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Standard humanoid containment cells
  • Floor 3: Access to Sector-2. Research-Labs rooms
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Research-Labs room. Head Security Office.
  • Floor 7: Site-Dormitories Block. Department-head Offices.
  • Floor 8: Site-Dormitories Block. Medical-Ward.
  • Floor 9: Engineering and Technical Service Department.
  • Floor 10: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 11: Class-D Dormitories. Security Office. Training Facility.
  • Floor 12-16: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 17-22: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 23 & 24: Research-Labs room. Access to Sector-4.

Containment Sector 4:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Standard humanoid containment cells
  • Floor 3: Access to Section-3.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs rooms. Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 6: Storage Lockers
  • Floor 7: Site-Dormitories Block. Security offices.
  • Floor 8: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 9 & 10: Research Wing B.
  • Floor 11: Class-D Dormitories. Security Office.
  • Floor 12: High Value Item Storage Facility. Storage Lockers.
  • Floor 13: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 14: Armory. Security offices
  • Floor 15-22: Safe Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 23-25: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Test chambers.
  • Floor 28-30: Site-Dormitories Access to Sector-5.

Residential Sector 5:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-8. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-6: Offices.
  • Floor 7-12: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 13-16: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage.
  • Floor 20: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 21 & 22: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 23: Security offices.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26-28: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 29: Access to Sector-6. Security offices.

Office Sector 6:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-5. Security offices
  • Floor 3: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 4-7: Security offices. Training Facility.
  • Floor 8: Test chambers.
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms
  • Floor 10: Storage lockers.
  • Floor 11: Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA) administration offices. Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13 & 14: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 15-17: Offices. Security offices. Armory
  • Floor 18 & 19: Engineering and Technical Service Department offices
  • Floor 20-25: research-Labs rooms. Site-Dormitories. Hospital wing.
  • Floor 26: Meeting rooms with other GOI's.
  • Floor 26: Storage lockers. Access to Sector-7.

Containment Sector 7:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-6. Security offices.
  • Floor 3: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 4-8: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 9: Department of Occult Containment.
  • Floor 10: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 11: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 12: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 13:Safe Class Containment.
  • Floor 14: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 15-22: Secure Humanoid Containment Cells
  • Floor 23-25: Department of Miscommunications (DoMc) offices. Security offices.
  • Floor 26: Research-Labs rooms. Access to Sector-8.

Research Sector 8:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-7. Security offices.
  • Floor 2: Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 3: Test chambers.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 9: Security offices.
  • Floor 10: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 11 & 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 14 & 15: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 16-20: Safe Class Containment. Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 21-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Research Wing C.
  • Floor 28: Access to Sector-9

Office Sector 9:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-8. Security offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 9: Office of Tactical Theology
  • Floor 10-13: Offices.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-17: Test chambers.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26: Offices.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-10. Security offices.

Containment Sector 10:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-9. Offices.
  • Floor 3: Safe Class Containment.
  • Floor 4-8: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 7 & 9: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 10: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 11: Security offices.
  • Floor 12 & 13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-18: Euclid Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 19-22: Armored Security offices. Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 23: Access to Sector-11.

Residential Sector 11:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-10. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-7: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 8-12: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 13-16: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage.
  • Floor 20: Offices.
  • Floor 21 & 22: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26: Offices. Cafeteria.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-12. Security offices.

Containment Sector 12:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-11. Offices.
  • Floor 3: Security offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 11: Safe Class Containment.
  • Floor 12 & 13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 15-18: Euclid Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 19-21: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-13.

Research Sector 13:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-12. Security offices.
  • Floor 2: Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 3: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 4-8: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 9: Security offices.
  • Floor 10: Research Wing D.
  • Floor 11 & 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13: Safe class containment wing
  • Floor 14-17: High Value Item Storage lockers. Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 18-20:Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 21-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Department of Extratemporal Studies. Access to Sector-14

Office Sector 14:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-13. Security offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5-8: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 9: Office of Tactical Theology
  • Floor 10-13: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-17: Test chambers.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26: Access to Sector-15.

Residential Sector 15:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-14. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-7: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 8-12: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 13-16: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage.
  • Floor 20: Offices. cafeteria.
  • Floor 21-23: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 24-26: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-16. Security offices.

Containment Sector 16:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-15. Offices.
  • Floor 3: Security offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 11-13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-18: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 19-21: Armored Security offices. Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-17.

Research Sector 17:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-16.
  • Floor 2: Security offices.
  • Floor 3: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 4-8: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 9: Food storage.
  • Floor 10-12: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 13: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 14-17: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 18-20:Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 21-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Access to Sector-18

Research Sector 18:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-17. Security offices.
  • Floor 2: Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 3: Test chambers.
  • Floor 4-8: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 9 & 10: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 11 & 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13: Security offices.
  • Floor 14 & 15: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 16-20: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 21: Access to Sector-19

Containment Sector-19:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-18. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3: Offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6 & 7: Maintenance of Euclid class objects.
  • Floor 7: Offices. Site-19 data servers
  • Floor 8 & 9: Security Offices. Storage cells.
  • Floor 10: Cafeteria.
  • Floors 11-13: Fortified safe humanoid containment cells.
  • Floor 14: Research Wing E.
  • Floor 15-17: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 18: Security Offices.
  • Floor 19-21: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-20.

Office Sector 20:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-19. Security offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5-8: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 9: Security offices.
  • Floor 10-13: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 14: Security offices.
  • Floor 15-17: Test chambers.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26: Access to Sector-21.

Archive sector Sector-21:

  • Floors 1 & 2: Access to Sector-20. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 3: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 6: Site-19 database servers.
  • Floor 7: RAISA office.
  • Floors 8-15: Archive of all documentation Reports in paper.
  • Floors 16-20: independent separate secure servers.
  • Floor 21: Armored Security Offices. Armory.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector 22.

Office sector Sector-22:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector 21. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 10-13: Class D Dormitories. Cafeteria.
  • Floor 14: Security offices.
  • Floors 15-17: Offices. Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floors 18-20: Laboratory research rooms. Access to Sector 23.

Protected Sector-23:

  • Floors 1 & 2: Transition to Sector-22. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 3: Armored Security Offices. Armory.
  • Floor 4: Offices. Hospital wing.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Site Directors' Executive Committee of the Whole (SDECotW) offices.
  • Floor 7: Offices of Internal Security Department
  • Floor 8: Dormitory block.
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 10-13: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 14: Offices of the Security Service. Armory
  • Floors 15: Transition to Sector 24.

Residential Sector-24:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-23. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-7: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 8-12: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 13-16: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage.
  • Floor 20: Offices. cafeteria.
  • Floor 21-23: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 24-26: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-25. Security offices.

Containment Sector-25:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-24. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3: Offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6 & 7: Secure Humanoid Containment Cells
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 11-13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-18: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 19-21: Armored Security offices. Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-26.

Research Sector 26:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-25.
  • Floor 2: Security offices.
  • Floor 3: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 4-9: Research Wing F.
  • Floor 10-12: Storage cells.
  • Floor 13: Security offices.
  • Floor 14-17: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 18-20: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 21-26: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-27

Office Sector-27:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector 26. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Administrative offices.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 10-13: Class D Dormitories. Cafeteria.
  • Floor 14: Offices of the Security Service.
  • Floor 15-17: Offices. Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 18: Access to Sector 28.

Storage Sector 28:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-23. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-7: Storage cells
  • Floor 8-12: Storage of military supplies.
  • Floor 13-16: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage. Security Offices.
  • Floor 20: Logistic Department offices
  • Floor 21-23: Storage of medical substances.
  • Floor 24-26: Security Offices.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-25. Security offices.

Containment Sector 29:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-15. Offices.
  • Floor 2 & 3: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Security Offices.
  • Floor 6: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 7: Department of Thaumatology
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: Storage cells
  • Floor 11-13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 15-19: Euclid Class Containment.
  • Floor 20-22: Armored Security offices. Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 23: Access to Sector-30.

Special Research Sector 30:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Transition to Sector-29. Checkpoint. Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 3: Alchemy Division offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Laboratory research rooms.
  • Floor 6: Decommission department
  • Floor 7 & 8: Test Chambers.
  • Floor 9: Security offices.
  • Floor 10: Antimemetics Division
  • Floor 11: Current location of SCP-055
  • Floor 12: Access to Sector-31. Armored Security offices.

Office Sector-31:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector 31. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Cognitohazard Department
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 10-13: Class D Dormitories. Cafeteria.
  • Floor 14: Offices of the Security Service.
  • Floors 15-17: Offices. Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floors 18-20: Laboratory research rooms. Access to Sector 23.

Containment Sector 32:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-31. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 3: Security offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 11: Blast-shelters
  • Floor 12 & 13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Research Wing G.
  • Floor 15: Keter Class Containment.
  • Floor 17 & 18: Test chambers.
  • Floor 19-21: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-33.

Office Sector-33:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector 32. Security Offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: Offices.
  • Floor 5: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 6: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 7 & 8: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 9: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 10-13: Amnestics Department.
  • Floor 14: Security offices.
  • Floors 15-17: Offices. Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floors 18-20: Laboratory research rooms. Access to Sector 34.

Residential Sector-34:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-33. Security offices.
  • Floor 3-7: Class-D Dormitories.
  • Floor 8-12: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 13-16: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 17-19: Food storage.
  • Floor 20: Offices.
  • Floor 21 & 22: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 23-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26: Offices. Cafeteria.
  • Floor 27: Access to Sector-35. Security offices.

Research Sector 35:

  • Floor 1: Access to Sector-34.
  • Floor 2: Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 3: Security offices.
  • Floor 4-8: Research Wing H.
  • Floor 9: Security offices.
  • Floor 10: Multi-propose rooms.
  • Floor 11 & 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 14 & 15: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 16-18: Chemical Research Division
  • Floors 19 & 20: Chemical Research Division labs.
  • Floor 21-25: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Test Chambers.
  • Floor 28: Access to Sector-36.

Containment Sector 36:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-35. Checkpoint.
  • Floor 3: Security offices.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Research-Labs room.
  • Floor 6: Test chambers.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: Site-Dormitories Block.
  • Floor 10: Maximum Security Humanoid Containment Cells.
  • Floor 11: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 12 & 13: Test chambers.
  • Floor 14: Blast Shelter.
  • Floor 15-18: Keter Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 19-21: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 22: Access to Sector-37.

Office Sector-37:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-36. Security offices
  • Floor 3: Living Quarters of Maintenance Personnel and Janitors.
  • Floor 4-7: Security offices. Training Facility.
  • Floor 8: Test chambers.
  • Floor 9: research-Labs rooms
  • Floor 10: Storage lockers.
  • Floor 11: Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA) administration offices. Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 12: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 13 & 14: Information Detraction, Censorship, and Rescission Division (IDCaRD).
  • Floor 15-17: Offices. Security offices. Armory
  • Floor 18 & 19: Engineering and Technical Service Department offices
  • Floor 20-25: research-Labs rooms. Site-Dormitories. Hospital wing.
  • Floor 26 & 27: Storage lockers. Access to Sector-38.

Containment Sector 38:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-37. Checkpoint. Security offices.
  • Floor 3: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 6: Storage Cells.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Hospital Wing.
  • Floor 9: Memetics and Infohazards Division
  • Floor 10 & 11: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 12: Maximum Security Humanoid Containment Cells.
  • Floor 13: Blast shelter.
  • Floor 14 & 15: Keter Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 16: Armored Security offices. Armory.
  • Floor 17 & 18: Test Chambers.
  • Floor 19: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 20-23: Esoteric Class Containment. Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 24: Research-Labs rooms. Access to Sector-39.

Other Worlds Study Sector-39:

  • Floor 1: Elevator and staircase Access to Sector-38. Checkpoint. Security Office.
  • Floor 2-4: Security Office. Site dormitories block.
  • Floor 5: Equipment Testing Facility.
  • Floor 6: Scranton Reality Anchor.
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8: Food storage.
  • Floor 9: Hospital wing.
  • Floor 10: Research Wing G.
  • Floor 11: Class-E personal Dormitories.
  • Floor 12-14: S & C Plastics special Site-19 Branch.
  • Floor 15 & 16: Class-E Anomaly containment.
  • Floor 17-21: Special Other worlds research Technology Labs. MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") Headquarters.
  • Floor 22: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 23 & 24:Test chambers. Access to Sector-40. Access to Sublevels.

Containment Sector 40:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-39. Checkpoint. Security offices.
  • Floor 3: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 4 & 5: Cafeteria. Food storage.
  • Floor 6: Storage Cells.
  • Floor 7: Site-19 data servers.
  • Floor 8: Hospital Wing.
  • Floor 9: Thaumiel Class Containment
  • Floor 10 & 11: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 12: Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 13: Blast shelter.
  • Floor 14 & 15: Keter Class Containment. Security offices.
  • Floor 16: Armored Security offices. Armory.
  • Floor 17 & 18: Test Chambers.
  • Floor 19: High Value Item Storage lockers.
  • Floor 20-23: Esoteric Class Containment. Armored Security offices.
  • Floor 24: "Olympia-class" containment chamber.
  • Floor 25: Research-Labs rooms.
  • Floor 26: Access to Sector-41. Access to Sublevels.

[REDACTED] Sector 41:

  • Floor 1 & 2: Access to Sector-40. Armored security offices.
  • Floor 3 & 4: ██████████████████████. [REDACTED]. ████.
  • Floor 5: Research Wing K.
  • Floor 6 & 7: [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]. ███████ offices
  • Floor 7: Cafeteria.
  • Floor 8 & 9: [DATA EXPUNGED]. ████████████
  • Floor 10: ██████████████, [REDACTED]
  • Floor 11: ████████████
  • Floor 12 & 13: [DATA EXPUNGED]. [REDACTED]
  • Floor 14: █████████████████████
  • Floor 15-18: Security offices.
  • Floor 19-21: [REDACTED]. [DATA EXPUNGED]. ████████


  • Sublevels 1-4: Storage of Anomalous Items
  • Sublevels 5-6: Safe class items containment wing.
  • Sublevels 7-9: Site-Dormitories Block 97-124.
  • Sublevels 9 & 10: RAISA archive.
  • Sublevels 11-15: Special security teams Dormitories block.
  • Sublevel 16: Cafeteria.
  • Sublevels 17 & 18: Food storage.
  • Sublevel 19: Administrative Offices.
  • Sublevel 20: Office of Containment Committee.
  • Sublevels 21 & 22: Euclid class items containment wing. Class D Site-Dormitories block 22-30.
  • Sublevel 23: Class D Site-Dormitories block 31-39.
  • Sublevels 24-27: Armored security offices. Armory.
  • Sublevels 28 & 29: Special security teams Dormitories block.
  • Sublevels 30-33: Keter Class Containment №9-12
  • Sublevels 34 & 35: Armored security office.
  • Sublevels 36 & 37: Medical bay. Site-Dormitories Block 125-130.
  • Sublevel 38: Research-Labs room 125-129. Security offices.
  • Sublevel 39: Containment place of SCP-5003.
  • Conditional Sublevel 40: Currently SCP-5003.

Main land Site Map


Staffing Information


Dir. Tilda D. Moose during vacation in 2014

Site Director: Dr. Tilda D. Moose

Asst. Site Director: Dr. Elias Shaw

Site-19 Administrative Department head: Joan Wade.

Unusual Incidents Unit liaison: Dexter Rivas.

Global Occult Coalition liaison: Phoenix Conley.

Three Moons Initiative liaison: [DATA EXPUNGED].

Site-19 HMCL Supervisor: Jonathan Collinwood.

Bowe Commission head: General Stan Bowe; General Willis Bowe, Alan.

External Affairs Director: Phoenix Morrison

Classification Committee Assist. Director: Chris Holt.

Internal Tribunal Department liaison: Jaxon Bond.

Department of External Affairs Assist. Director: Fallon Noel.

Ethics Committee liaison: Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian. William Eisner.

Asst. Dir. of Personnel: Agent Strelnikov

Asst. Dir. of Facilities: Dr. Eisenberg Pending.

Director of Research: Dr. Charles Gears ("COG")

Asst. Dir. of Research: Kain Pathos Crow

Site-19 Decommissioning Department head: Kaleb Rodgers.

Asst. Dir. of Security: Gordon Odom

Site-19 Internal Security Department head: Ford Castro.

Dir. of Mobile Task Forces: General Willis Bowe, Alan.

Dir. of Metafiction department: Dr. Michael Edison.

Site-19 RAISA Assist. Director: Claudia Southey.

Main AIC bot: Alexandra.aic.

Asst. Dir. of Containment: Dr. William Moto

On-Site Personnel:

    Department Heads: ██

    Medical Staff: ████

    Staff Researchers: ████

    Administrative Personnel: ██

    Sanitation Engineers: ███

    Security Personnel: ███

    D-Class: █████




Official emblem of Site-19

Site-19 Located at United States Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska. At the moment, Site-19 is a Foundation "Mega-Site"1 working with most anomalies in the United States and is the largest Foundation Site in which Research, Content, Basement of many Foundation Departments and Mobile Task Forces is underway. The first priority of Site-19 is the permanent and even temporary containment of SCP objects of all types and classes, since if there is a serious, not localized, containment breach of objects, at least Euclid, then many K class scenarios can occur.

Examples of possible Class K scenarios in the event of a Total Containment Breach:

  • Class TCF (Total Containment Failure)
  • SN ("Silent Night") scenario
  • LV-Zero "Broken Masquerade"
  • XK-Class End-of-the-World Scenario
  • CK-Class Restructuring Scenario
  • Tashkent-Class "Cross-Pollination" Scenario
  • GH-0 'Dead Greenhouse' scenario
  • UR Class event (Universe Reboot)2
  • TK-Class Causal Restructuring Event
  • Öß-Class "Multi-Universal Amalgamation" Scenario
  • YK-Class Destruction Of Universe scenario

Site-19, in most cases, is the first place where newly discovered anomalies are brought.


Site-19 was founded in 1918 by the US government and SCP Foundation as an Offutt Air Force base. In 1936, Site-19 was not as large as it is now, the number of underground sectors was several times less than it is now. After the 7th Occult War, the number of discovered anomalies began to grow, and space in the Foundation Sites began to run out. The new "super" Site-81 was founded on July 16, 1946. Foundation personnel and the US military have begun expanding the underground portion of Site-19. On November 9, 1948, United States Strategic Air Command requested several vacant underground Sectors at Site-19, as it was originally conceived in the center of the United States, outside the range of heavy bombers at the time.

In the 1950s, Under the leadership of O5-█ and Director, [REDACTED] Site-19 became the center of much research and the headquarters of the Foundation's military operations. Thanks to the help of General Stan Bowe and his cooperation with the US government, the Foundation was able to penetrate all over the world and establish its Affiliates there. Foundation agents were able to get to almost all parts of the world. The Foundation also began active cooperation with government organizations, for example, the UIU, and also began the introduction of Foundation employees into the CIA.



General Stan Bowe.

In the 1960s, Because of the Stan Bowe, the Foundation was actively involved in the Cold War and, when necessary, influenced the heads of countries, sometimes using anomalies, to prevent World War 3, but the Chaos Insurgency tried to thwart the Foundation. Since Site-19 was the command center for all operations related to the Cold War, the Insurgency tried to capture it, subsequently many Mobile Task Forces were deployed to the Site. After the assassination of John Kennedy, the Foundation, in cooperation with the UIU, began checking the case for anomalous events. During this verification, SCP-3780 appeared at random in Foundation Data Bach, but this was the only anomaly found during verification. The Foundation also has some impact on the space race.

In the 1970s, by decision of the O5 Council, Site-19 carried out massive technical work to improve equipment, update reports, create new archives, build new containment cells and improve old ones, improve working conditions, build new sectors and create its own "DEEPWELL" complex. Due to this work, Site-19 was unable to locate anomalies found near Site-81. Due to the work on the Site, there have been several terrorist attacks by the Chaos Insurgency, and several raids by the Church of the Broken God in an attempt to obtain "pieces of the God MEKHANE". July 9, 1970 Containment breach of 5 SCP objects occurred due to General Wall Bowe's attempt to prevent his death from SCP-935. MTF and Security were able to re-establish the containment, General Stan Bowe was found dead.


The years 1990-2000 were remembered by the Foundation for the large number of attempts by various GOI's to capture Site-19. By this time, the Site was the largest in the Foundation and even contained Thaumiel-class objects. After the end of the Cold War, the Air Force Strategic Command was disbanded, but the SCP Foundation proposed the creation of a "United States Strategic Command" that works for both the United States and the Foundation. After SCP-4444 was taken over by US Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., the Foundation began to curtail its cooperation with the US government and began to actively cooperate with the UIU to control the SCP-4444.


The 2000s were years of relative calm for Site-19, but for the Foundation as a whole.
In 2001, General Bowe, the son of Stan Bowe, contacted the Foundation. Bowe suggested that the SCP Foundation again cooperate with the US government, justifying this with funding. The general created the "Bowe Commission" and made Site-19 it's main base.
Over time Foundation discovered SCP-231, and Facility-41 was urgently constructed (See Additional Information for full details of Facility-41).
A new experimental project, Artificial Intelligence Application Unit (AIAD), and several .Aic bots, several of which are currently arriving at Site-19.
At the end of the 2000s, several large and serious incidents thundered not only in Site-19, but also in others. SCP-055 was first discovered in 2008.


The early 2010s were a disaster for the Foundation in the form of an incident involving the killing of MTF Omega-7 by SCP-076-2. In 2011, the Bowe Commission was dissolved by an Ethics Committee order for violating Foundation 1996 policies regarding military conflicts, committing war crimes and violating Foundation internal laws. General Bowe was supposed to be sent to the Foundation Inner Tribunal, but he escaped, his whereabouts and status are currently unknown. This was the end of the short but disastrous "Bowe Age". Towards the end of the 2010s, namely in 2020, the O5 Council proposed the creation of a new MTF under the Omega-7 Plans, but with less dangerous anomalies like SCP-076. This project was approved by the Ethics Committee and was named MTF Alpha-9 ("Last Hope").

As of 202█, Site-19 is fully functional.

Life Support Systems: Online. Fully functional

Electrical Systems: Online. Fully functional

Fire Control Systems: Online. Fully functional

Flood Control Systems: Online. Fully functional

Aic bots Status: Fully functional

Reactor Status: Fully functional

Safe Class Containment Status: Fully functional

Euclid Class Containment Status: Fully functional

Keter Class Containment Status: Fully functional

Thaumiel Class Containment Status: Fully functional

Esoteric Class Containment Status: Successfully

Anomalies Currently Under the Jurisdiction of Site-19

Assigned Task Forces

Mobile Task Force Description Assigned SCP's
Alpha-4 ("Pony Express") Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 consists primarily of personnel trained to act as undercover employees and specialize in tracking, intercepting, and securing anomalous objects sent through postal and package delivery services worldwide. SCP-111
Alpha-9 ("Last Hope") The reborn Omega-7. A Mobile Task Force explicitly intended to train and utilize humanoid SCP objects in the field. SCP-3301 Testing Log
Gamma-13 ("Asimov's Lawbringers") Mobile Task Force Gamma-13 specializes in the investigation, tracking, and apprehension of anomalous objects, persons, and entities associated with GoI-1115 (Anderson Robotics). This includes identification of Anderson customers, location of Anderson products and conduction of raids on Anderson offices. SCP-1360, SCP-3301 Testing Log
Eta-10 ("See No evil") Mobile Task Force Eta-10 specializes in the investigation, acquisition, and initial containment of objects or entities exhibiting visual cognitohazards, visual memetic agents, or otherwise require indirect or alternative observation in order to safely handle. SCP-3301 Testing Log, Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
Theta-8 ("Blue Pills") Identifies and neutralizes individuals and small groups in possession of anomalous objects. SCP-2801
Iota-7 ("Mavericks") Task Force assigned to spray amnestics. Works in cooperation with Gamma-5. SCP-2216
Kappa-10 ("Skynet") Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 is a temporary designation until such time it is either officially dissolved or sanctioned. It is strictly tasked in investigating and engaging 'cyber-anomalies' using a combination of virtual agents (AICs) and Foundation researchers to track, neutralize, and/or contain such intangible threats. SCP-2522
Lambda-3 ("No Given Nickname") Tracking and capturing instances of SCP-894-2. SCP-894
STF Lambda-24 ("Babysitters") Monitoring SCP-4714-A. SCP-4714
Mu-3 ("Highest Bidders") Mobile Task Force Mu-3 is dedicated to monitoring GoI 'Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd'. Through the combined efforts of undercover agents and covert-ops specialists, their objective is: identifying objects of interest in possession of Marshall, Carter and Dark; isolating opportunities to recover these objects; and, ultimately achieving their containment. SCP-2463
Mu-4 ("Debuggers") Mobile Task Force Mu-4 specializes in the identification, tracking, retrieval, and containment of electronic devices and transmissions, especially anomalous computers and network-related anomalies. This includes the investigation of internet sites suspected of anomalous capabilities or involved in anomalous events. SCP-3334
Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters") Mobile Task Force Mu-13 specializes in the tracking, analysis, and containment of incorporeal or intangible manifestations and entities, particularly those believed to be sentient, sapient, or otherwise intelligent and adaptive. SCP-460
Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") Repel attacks from GOI’s. Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is a battalion-strength force consisting of three company-sized elements of special operations infantry forces, a light armored vehicle company, tank platoon, helicopter squadron, chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) platoon, combat engineer platoon, nuclear weapon specialist (NWS) squad, plus additional combat specialist and support personnel. AMTF Nu-7 is based primarily out of Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and is tasked with responding to incidents involving loss of communication with major Foundation facilities under circumstances wherein a site-wide breach, enemy compromise, or other similarly catastrophic event is suspected. SCP-122, SCP-682, SCP-3758-A
Omicron Rho ("The Dream Team") The Foundation has discovered the method of becoming Oneiroi, and now with this power are more capable of containing them. For decades they teach their agents the technique that allows one consciousness to join another’s. The few mentally hardened individuals that succeed are organized into a task force. The first of these was Mobile Task Force Omicron Rho. SCP-1394
Rho-1 ("The Professors") Mobile Task Force Rho-1 specializes in the acquisition, containment, and transport of anomalies related to Group of Interest Alpha-388, "Alexylva University". With the reduction of the threat posed by the specific GoI, the MTF has expanded its focus to any and all containment for anomalous academic endeavors. SCP-877
Rho-36 (“Breacher’s Pets”) Task Force specialising in rapid response to containment breaches and recontainment of escaped entities. SCP-5726
Omega-7 ("Pandora's Box") An experimental task force specializing in the acquisition and containment of anomalies utilizing cooperative anomalous humanoid entities, particularly SCP-076 and SCP-105. Mobile Task Force Omega-7 has been disbanded and decommissioned. SCP-657
Phi ("Daughter Mine") Established to safeguard SCP-4057 from Site-19. A group of elite MTF Eta-10 personnel who defy SCP-4075's effects. SCP-4057

Additional assigned Task Forces

Mobile Task Force The reason for the placement SCP's interacted Additional Notes
Omicron-10 (“Bigger Bazookas”) Guard the Site from a threat posed by experiments on SCP-682. SCP-682 The Reborn Lambda-9, made both from surviving Lambda-9 members that were not transformed into SCP-3198 and new members. Omicron-10 is meant to secure Keter SCPs in Site-19.
Lambda-9 ("Big Fucking Guns") Guard the Site from a threat posed by experiments on SCP-682. SCP-682, SCP-1056 After experiment with SCP-1056 Mobile Task Force Lambda-9 was decommissioned and reclassified as SCP-3198
Omicron-14 ("Scarlet Crusaders") Facility-41 is the main operating base of this MTF. SCP-231 [DATA EXPUNGED]
Rho-2 ("Hawthorne’s Heroes") Incident 083-DK SCP-162, [DATA EXPUNGED] After incident 083-DK Group of MTF Rho-2 was found by site security teams, members of Rho-2 were completely entangled in SCP-162, with several already having been crushed to death, or bled out due to numerous lacerations.
Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") Mask the consequences of various incidents. N/A N/A
Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") Masking Site-19 as a U.S. Strategic Command base N/A N/A
Tav-666 [REDACTED] Alpha-9 support N/A N/A

Mobile Task Fores Once Stationed At Site-19.

Mobile Task Force Description Reason for being sent
Gamma-4 ("Blondebeard's Crew") A five-man task force specialising in performing tasks in low to zero-gravity and vacuum environments. SCP-3301 Testing Log
Eta-13 ("Gulliver's Tourists") Created to journey into a massive series of tunnels extending through extra-dimensional space, colloquially known as "The Gate". SCP-3301 Testing Log
Tau-5 ("Samsara") Immortal cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead god, Tau-5 utilizes esoteric and experimental Foundation weaponry to investigate and contain thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats. SCP-3301 Testing Log
Omega-12 ("Achilles' Heels") A task force composed of reality bending Foundation personnel from an alternate universe. Omega-12 is tasked with capturing SCP-3480-2 instances, guarding the many entities imprisoned in Area-13, and hunting down powerful uncontained reality benders elsewhere. SCP-3301 Testing Log

Site-19 photo-archive.


The engineer presents new [REDACTED] bomber to MTF Eta-5 ("Jäeger Bombers")


Site-19 Field in October 1936, before the construction of hard runways and permanent facilities


Site-19 storage block █




Site-19 laboratory in Sector-██

List of Anomalies Once Stationed At Site-19.


ITEM#: SCP-162


REASON FOR TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT: Stop during transportation to the Site-██ and experimentation with SCP-682.



1. SCP-162 killed the whole squad of MTF Rho-2. See Incident 083-DK.


ITEM#: SCP-105





1. N/A


ITEM#: SCP-079



DATE OF CONTAINMENT: April 20, 2018.


1. N/A


ITEM#: SCP-079



DATE OF CONTAINMENT: April 20, 2018.


1. N/A


ITEM#: SCP-298





1. During the Incident 083-DK SCP-298 was immediately transported to Site-██.

Notable Incidents Log.


DATE: 10/08/1948

INCIDENT#: S-19-██

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: A terrorist group calling itself "Warriors of Chaos"3 raided Site-19. In the course of the raid, 59% of the Guard personnel was lost and the Foundation had to request assistance from the US military. The raid was successfully repulsed.


1. █ MTF's has been assigned to Site-19.
2. Extra Security has been installed.
3. Foundation lost SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]


DATE: 10/08/1965

INCIDENT#: S-19-81

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: SCP-378 breached containment through careless handling, capturing a guard in the first few minutes and shooting all personnel in the containment perimeter. Stopped in Sector-██ by Security team "Delta".


1. SCP-378 Containment Procedures was improved.


DATE: 07/07/1970

INCIDENT#: S-19-93

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: SCP-███ breached containment as planned by General Stan Bowe. SCP-███ breached Containment Procedures for an additional 5 SCP objects, causing significant damage to SCP-935's containment chamber, which was presumably planned. SCP's have been recontained by MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down").


1. Dead body of Stan Bowe was found in a bunker in Sector-██.


DATE: 06/17/ 1993

INCIDENT#: S-19-███

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: 5% of employees (3%- staff, 2%- security personal) were killed in the facility due to a GOI-055 raid. 20 Class-D personnel escaped during the raid, 5 have been found. SCP-███ and SCP-███ were considered lost.




DATE: 09/12/ 1999

INCIDENT#: S-19-███

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: A Class-D riot broke out at 9:20 AM. The security in the Class-D cell blocks were taken out. Issue resolved by Security.


1. Extra Security has been installed.


DATE: ██/██/20██

INCIDENT#: S-19-███/Security Breach Incident-X23

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: Site-19 breached by operatives from an organization known to the Foundation only as ‘The Serpent’s Hand’. This resulted in the containment breach of several humanoid SCPs which are, but not limited to: SCP-166, SCP-527 & SCP-040. SCP-407 have been deleted from the Foundation's system during this time, so it can only be assumed the individuals involved are responsible.

DURATION OF THE INCIDENT: 4 Hours 36 minutes

1. SCP-407 is reclassified as Neutralised


DATE: ██/██/2005

INCIDENT#: S-19-138

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: See full documentation of Incident S-19-9 aka 083-DK


1. SCP-083 was Decommissioned.
2. Dr. Benjamin Kondraki is impeached from the position of Site-17 Director.


DATE: 07/10/2010

INCIDENT#: S-19-187

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: SCP-055 Breached Containment. Other data is missing.




DATE: 02/18/2013

INCIDENT#: S-19-198

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: Research Wing A spontaneously manifesting a proportionately sized pair of legs, superficially resembling those of a domesticated chicken. Multiple Containment attempts were used, but however failed. After a couple hours, the research lab demanifested its legs, soon after, dropping the facility to the ground. No further anomalous activity was recorded. The lab was soon disassembled.


1. See Incident-4852.7.


DATE: 03/17/2019

INCIDENT#: S-19-221

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENTS: More than 130 structures of Site-19 were damaged by the Missouri River flooding. The floodwaters ran as deep as 9 feet (2.7 meters) in some places and left behind a toxic sludge. Immediately evacuation was performed. The flooding has caused containment breach of several SCPs.



Additional Information

Site-19 Projects Proposals


Document S-19-Project-1 — "Olympia-class Containment chamber"

Project Date: 04.01.1947.

Current clearance level: 4

Project Proposal: "Olympia-class" Containment chamber

Research Team: Containment Committee

Proposal Statement:

Creation of a special chamber for containing large and dangerous SCP objects.

CEO of project: Dr. Kurt Robinson (Director of Containment Committee. 1947)

Assistant Leads: Dr. Evan Foyd (Director of Logistics Department), Dr. Ivan Rolokov (Director of Scientific Department), Dr. Amelia Curlin. (Site-19 Containment head)

Requested Resources:

  • Access and use of Site-19 Sector for Chamber construction.
  • Access and use of SRA's (Scranton Reality Anchors)
  • Assistance of the Logistics Department and Analytics Department to supply resources for construction.
  • Call Engineering and Technical Service Department for construction of the Chamber.
  • ██ █████$ for construction.
  • Assistance of the Scientific Department to review and make adjustments to the design of the camera for its proper and efficient operation.

Project Details:

Creation of a chamber to contain SCP objects of the Keter class and, presumably, some Esoteric classes of anomalies that can be large and change reality in a relatively small radius from themselves. The Containment Chamber must be cubic from 100x100 meters to 300x300 meters high and must be equipped with a minimum of 4 Scranton Reality Anchors. For the passage to the sector where the chamber is located, a special maximally protected airlock tunnel from Sector-█ must be constructed to transfer the anomalies to this containment chamber.

We currently only have █ anomalies suitable for placement in this containment chamber. The sector where the camera will be located should be maximally protected, since if an object escapes from the camera, it can lead to irreparable destruction in Site-19.
The above is a significant disadvantage of the project, but the prospects in case of successful and complete implementation of the project, the prospects outweigh the disadvantages, since we do not know how many such anomalies may appear.

The Logistics Department will be responsible for supplying resources to the construction area, the Analytics Department will be responsible for calculating the required resources, the Science Department will be responsible for the camera's functionality, and the Engineering and Technical Service Department will be responsible for the correct construction.

Kurt Robinson
Kurt Robinson, Containment Committee Director

Addendum.1 [Blueprints]:


Chamber Plan (Click to Enlarge)

Addendum.2 [SCPF Administration Vote]:






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