Candy Blue's Sandbox
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Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid Keter1

Special Containment Procedures: All components of SCP-XXXX are currently housed at Site 19 in a room furbished to resemble their previous residence; this is to ensure predictable behavioral patterns. SCP-XXXX-1 is not to leave containment without express permission from Senior Researcher Dr. Arthur Zigmund or Researcher Skylar Zigmund. SCP-XXXX-1 is to work an Assistant position under the Senior Researcher, in order to minimize the amount of time available to produce SCP-XXXX-3. Instances of SCP-XXXX-3 are to be kept in SCP-XXXX-2 or the crochet lavender bag to keep them in an inactive state.

SCP-XXXX's containment is to be checked weekly for new instances of SCP-XXXX-3 and any anomalous properties are to be recorded. All dangerous dolls or dolls modeled on staff members are to be confiscated immediately.

When being moved to another site for testing, the entity must be anesthetized beforehand, to prevent event SCP-XXXX-Alpha.
Update: SCP-XXXX is not to leave containment between the hours of 21:00 and 08:30, and access to yarn is to be restricted. Testing is also suspended following the incident of 12/08/19.

Description: SCP-XXXX consists of three components: the doll maker, the toy house, and the amigurumi2 or textile creations.

SCP-XXXX-1, answering to "Leyla", appears to be a female human of mixed heritage with brown eyes and thick, dark hair. SCP-XXXX-1 is physically similar to that of an adolescent human female; however, the subject is emotionally on par with a young child, despite possessing an above average IQ. SCP-XXXX-1 will always dress in medical-themed dresses beneath foundation issued attire3.

Author's note to Editor: Hey, Khing. I decided to leave out the clothing source being unknown. It'd make sense for people to think "She gets it from the dollhouse". Also, the updated picture will make her look even more doll-like when my lazy ass uploads it.

Many individuals making eye contact with SCP-XXXX-1 experience a memetic effect4 changing their behavior towards the entity, often handling them like a child, even becoming unable to register them as a threat. This effect can last up to 10 minutes after the entity allows subjects to break eye contact. SCP-XXXX-1 does not take advantage of its abilities and generally avoids eye contact when speaking.


!!!Placeholder!!! Attire most frequently worn by SCP-XXXX-1 since nursing school

SCP-XXXX-2 appears to be a fully assembled G████████ dollhouse kit, with working plumbing and electricity. It is painted in soft pastel colors.
SCP-XXXX-2 can be entered into when access is granted by SCP-XXXX-1, who will invite subjects into an internal reality contained in SCP-XXXX-2. It functions as a closed house from the point of view of those inside, yet is disproportionately larger than the exterior. The house consists of multiple stairwells and duplicate rooms. Subjects within SCP-XXXX-2 perceive a "familiar neighborhood" outside the windows. Attempts to venture outside have failed; however, dolls can be seen exiting the house and going into other homes.
All amigurumi made from within SCP-XXXX-2 will grow to scale and become animate upon completion in addition to obtaining anomalous properties. They are able to enter and exit SCP-XXXX-2 at will. Inanimate amigurumi rarely become animate upon being placed inside the house. While inside the dollhouse, amigurumi will appear lifelike rather than made of their composite material.

SCP-XXXX-3 refers to all amigurumi and textile dolls that SCP-XXXX-1 makes. SCP-XXXX-1 is known to communicate with these dolls through humming and vocalizing. In all appearances, the material used seems to be acrylic yarn, but changes colors when extracted and never diminishes. Available felts and fabrics take on different textures to mimic other surfaces (such as metal). All yarn given to SCP-XXXX-1 by staff resulted in anomalous dolls. Any attempts made by others to crochet yarn SCP-XXXX-1 has touched has proven ineffective.
While left alone, most dolls are harmless and inactive. However, threatening SCP-XXXX-1, even in jest, will trigger Event XXXX-Alpha. Any yarn-based item within earshot will violently attack the perpetrator, aligning their body before separating and retreating into the bag. To date, there have been no remains from an Alpha-XXXX event; however, there have been claims of seeing victims from within the dollhouse. SCP-XXXX-1 has no control over this event and textile dolls do not partake in it.

Addendum XXXX.01 Discovery

In 2019, Doctor A. Zigmund went to a family function during time off. While there, he took notice of an unusual doll in possession of a cousin’s daughter. Upon learning the nature of the dolls he began questioning her before bringing her in for surveillance and sending agents to search the premises. Upon retrieving the cousin from surveillance, it was discovered that an anomalous doll had been created. From this point, these dolls were designated as SCP-XXXX-3.
Due to Doctor A. Zigmund’s unavailability at the time, Doctor Higgsly conducted an interview with SCP-XXXX-1.
Following is the initial interview with the newly designated SCP-XXXX-1.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1

Interviewer: Dr. Q. Y. Higgsly

<Begin Log, 08/18/19>

Dr. Higgsly: Alright, child. Don’t be nervous or get defensive.

SCP-XXXX-1: (avoiding his eyes) A-am I in trouble?

Dr. Higgsly: No, no. I merely want to know how long you’ve been making these dolls.

SCP-XXXX-1: I’ve been making dolls since (shuts eyes) uhm, the day I, uhm, stopped aging?

Dr. Higgsly: Look at me. Have your dolls always been anomalous?

SCP-XXXX-1: You consented… (looks at him) I-I’m not sure I should really tell you…

Dr. Higgsly: (as if entranced) Pretty please?

SCP-XXXX-1: Again… (quickly looks away) I j-just can't.

Dr. Higgsly: Aw- (normal tone) I mean, uh, why not?

SCP-XXXX-1: They don’t like everyone.

Dr. Higgsly: Who? Please explain.

SCP-XXXX-1: My dolls… they don’t like everyone. I know… the animals… (pauses for a while)

Dr. Higgsly: Back to reality, now… the animals?

SCP-XXXX-1: Huh? Oh, yeah! The animals were the first… When I was 16. I made the cheetah… and… I was running. I ran… 62 miles per hour. Like a cheetah.

Dr. Higgsly: I see…But… tell me why you’re making anomalous dolls.

SCP-XXXX-1: I can't… They don't like you. They only like people who were my friends before they were made.

Dr. Higgsly: Before they were made?

SCP-XXXX-1: So almost no one.

Dr. Higgsly: Then who will you tell?

SCP-XXXX-1: (looks at him again, whispering) Where's my uncle? You ask too many questions.

<End Log>

It was later discovered that SCP-XXXX-1 had made more than ████ amigurumi, many were animals and original characters. However, some were modeled after recognizable people and have been confiscated.

Addendum XXXX.02: Dolls and Testing

SCP-XXXX-1 provided the foundation with dolls for testing. Those that can be effectively contained by the foundation have been confiscated.

SCP-XXXX-1 refused to allow the foundation to interact with a number of dolls, but did provide a brief explanation on most. 09/03/19
A newly hired custodian entered SCP-XXXX's containment chamber during a routine cleaning session and discovered a previously unseen snake doll. Against protocol, the custodian brought the doll out of the chamber. He quickly 'shed' all of his skin and became limp, apparently losing the ability to walk or speak. Before being placed in containment, the custodian attacked a researcher, attempting to wrap his body around hers and biting her before being terminated. The researcher recovered two hours later.
SCP-XXXX-1 was given the snake doll following this incident, and informed of what had taken place. Immediately the doll was deconstructed and SCP-XXXX-1 displayed symptoms of chronic depression for three weeks.

Addendum XXXX.03 Testing with the yarn.

Test 1 - 10/██/19

Subject: SCP-XXXX's yarn and hooks.
Test: D-XXXX-001 instructed to crochet a penguin using provided materials.
Summary: D-XXXX-001 began making a penguin while SCP-XXXX-1 became distraught and started whining for them to stop. Upon SCP-XXXX-1 being removed, the yarn unraveled. Repeated attempts to crochet with the yarn resulted in quicker unraveling.
After 16 attempts were made, the yarn coiled up in a pile, became stiff, and could no longer be manipulated.
D-XXXX-001 retreated from the table and was unable to approach the yarn again, saying the yarn made them feel “unwelcomed.”
SCP-XXXX-1 offered no clear explanation, stating “You have your friends; I have my yarn!”

Test 2 - 10/██/19

Subject: SCP-XXXX’s yarn and ordinary hooks.
Test: D-XXXX-002 instructed to crochet a cat using SCP-XXXX’s yarn and hooks provided by the foundation.
SCP-XXXX-1 was not present at this time, entertained by Dr. Skylar Zigmund.
Summary: D-XXXX-002 quickly made the head of a cat while making occasional statements that the yarn did not “like” to be touched. Upon D-XXXX-002 moving on to the body, the cat head unraveled while hissing. D-XXXX-002 was told to remake the cat head.
Results were the same as the first test and D-XXXX-002 soon threw the tools down and retreated.
D-XXXX-2 was instructed to approach the yarn. D-XXXX-002 refused, saying the yarn didn’t like them. D-XXXX-002 was again instructed to approach the yarn or face termination. D-XXXX-002 refused, saying the yarn hated them.
Testing ended.

Test 3 - 10/██/19

Subject: Yarn only touched by SCP-XXXX-1
Test: D-XXXX-003 instructed to crochet an orange cube using hooks provided by the foundation and yarn merely touched by SCP-XXXX-1 prior to testing.
SCP-XXXX-1 threw a tantrum when it was taken away before they could add it to their supply.

Any further testing with others crocheting is strictly prohibited. The damage to the laboratory will take weeks to repair. Some of the staff bodies have yet to be recovered from the supply of yarn.
Leyla only touched the yarn, why did this happen?! Why did she scream and hide? -Dr. Skylar 10/18/19.
SCP-XXXX-1 refused to help staff find the rest of their creations; however, XXXX-1 did agree not to interfere should they locate them. Shortly afterwards, two guards and a researcher entered the suite in time to see XXXX-1 hide a doll under a pillow and refuse to hand it over because it was incomplete. A guard roughly grabbed XXXX-1, who whined in pain. Immediately all yarn based objects, and even the animated dolls, ambushed the guard and completely covered his body. Afterwards they collapsed into a pile and retreated to the bag. The guard’s body was nowhere to be found.

Observation: The yarn and dolls take the shortest routes, tearing through living and non-living obstacles to get to the offender. Even playful punches resulted in the yarn becoming hostile.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1

Interviewers: Dr. Q. Y. Higgsly, Dr. A. Zigmund
<BEGIN LOG 11/██/19>

Dr. Zigmund: Thank you for allowing me to join you, Quintin.

Dr. Higgsly: You’re only here because she cooperates with you.

Dr. Zigmund: I’m related to her. And I wish you all had waited for me to return befo-

Dr. Higgsly: Oi, mate. I started recording.

Dr. Zigmund: This soon?!
(Door opens and SCP-XXXX-1 is ushered in by a guard.)

Dr. Higgsly: SCP-XXXX. Sit. Are you aware of why we are conducting this interview?

SCP-XXXX-1: (Not looking at anyone) No.

Dr. Higgsly: Really? Do you know who the guard was? The bloke whom your little toys killed? You don’t care-

SCP-XXXX-1: He's not [Expletive] dead! His soul is trapped in the neighborhood!! It's your faults! I didn't ask you all to start throwing test subjects at us! Like, seriously! Having someone punch me in the face?!

Dr. Higgsly: That's not what's important right now!

SCP-XXXX-1: [Expletive]

(Argument breaks out. Recording is stopped until the guard has things calmed down)

Dr. Zigmund: Quintin. Allow me to do the talking.

SCP-XXXX-1: I don't… wanna be here anymore. I’m just an object to you all!

Dr. Zigmund: You’ll always be a person to me, Leyla. We'll discuss your rights later. For now we want to know about the attacks.

SCP-XXXX-1: I don't know anything about them.

Dr. Zigmund: Leyla, please. We just want to understand you better. You say you can’t control it, but don’t you know why this happens?

SCP-XXXX-1: I hear a voice each time… the yarn triggers.

Dr. Zigmund: Saying?

SCP-XXXX-1: "A girl reborn to the dead mother's daughter, shall be protected til reborn to…"

Dr. Higgsly: To what, to whom? What does it mean?

SCP-XXXX-1: Reincarnation? I don't know. My mom could tell you… I was 16 when I first heard it…

Dr. Zigmund: What happened next?

SCP-XXXX-1: Mom left me in a room alone. I had a blackout… The only time the yarn told me it was in control. I made-

(high pitched feedback)

Dr. Zigmund: -without it. I'll contact your mother then. Tell us about the neighborhood and the souls inside.

SCP-XXXX-1: Simply put… When someone is dragged into the bag… it's a portal to the neighborhood of my dollhouse. A world 3 times the size of planet Earth!

Dr. Higgsly: What. Happens. To. Them.

SCP-XXXX-1: When I make a doll that is not an amigurumi, a random soul is taken from the neighborhood and embedded into the textile doll. Forever bound to that object.

Dr. Higgsly: Those dolls are inanimate.

SCP-XXXX-1: Yeah. But if you can talk to ghosties, then ya get to talk to the peeps! My yarn used to kill them. But then people would give me a playful punch and… Yeah. So a friend of mine plucked me and got sucked in and I went to the dollhouse and I found her before she got killed and I made a deal and-

Dr. Zigmund: Run on sentence.

SCP-XXXX-1: I started making textile dolls to preserve their souls and let them be lovable plushies. I even gave her to her little sister. In fact I gave a lot of people back to their loved ones and they'd say 'It reminds me of' whomever was inside. (suddenly stands) I'm not a killer, okay?! I make my dolls for fun or to help people. I used to sell them online and-

Dr. Zigmund: You have dolls out there with a bunch of unsuspecting people? Why didn't you ever say something?! We have to confiscate them.

SCP-XXXX-1: What person makes dolls and doesn't share? But is it right to take the dolls away from their families? None of them are animated. I swear. They resonate with the soul of those inside. Please don't take them away. Some of the recipients were suffering and it helps them cope…

Dr. Higgsly: Are we expected to trust you?

SCP-XXXX-1: (to Zigmund) Uncle, please, don't…

Dr. Zigmund: Leyla, they're still considered anomalous. We have to keep mankind safe. I know you have a way of finding them. Will you cooperate?

SCP-XXXX-1: I don't wanna!!

Dr. Zigmund: Leyla. It was rhetorical.

SCP-XXXX-1: Fine. Can I go back to my room for now?

Dr. Zigmund: Yes. I'll send you instructions later.
<End Log>

Attempts to trace the location of SCP-XXXX-1's mother have failed. Retrieval of other dolls is still ongoing. 12/08/19
During remodeling of SCP-XXXX's containment unit, Dr. Higgsly temporarily relocated Leyla to a small room with no access to tools or materials despite SCP-XXXX-1's request of yarn to prevent a black out. On 12/08/19, Higgsly was unable to be located. A guard, passing by SCP-XXXX's temporary holding cell, heard moaning and investigated. Dr. Higgsly's unconscious body was found beside SCP-XXXX-1, missing a left leg and right hand; he was immediately rushed to the infirmary in critical condition.
SCP-XXXX-1 was crocheting multiple dolls of Dr. Higgsly out of a limited quantity of yarn, resulting in a sloppy ordinary doll. SCP-XXXX-1 recovered from this fugue state once given yarn again, but would not respond to staff.
During the night, security cameras recorded a coil of yarn entering the infirmary, where it destroyed all electronic equipment. In the morning, Dr. Higgsly was found with fully functional prosthetics of unidentified substance. He returned to work the following week.

Following this incident, Dr. Higgsly was reported for discussing SCP-XXXX's case in the public Staff room, and making verbal threats against them. He has since been transferred to another case. 01/██/20

During a lockdown on 01/██/20, the site experienced multiple containment breaches. After 6 hours, all but two Keter SCP entities remained: SCP-███-█ and SCP-████. At 17:36, security footage was seen of SCP-XXXX-1 “herding” SCP-███-█ and SCP-████ with an unidentified doll. SCP-███-█ and SCP-████ were backing away slowly at XXXX-1's command. MTF was dispatched to their location in Sector-06 and all three were taken back into containment.

Whenever questioned about the event, SCP-XXXX-1 is unable to respond. Search for the doll is ongoing.