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Item #: SCP-5700

Object Class: Hiemal/Potential Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5700 should be contained in a massive room. It should not be opened, and should be placed on a wood cylinder, surrounded by water, and should have 3 bones placed on it at all times. At no time should these bones be taken, as it could lead to a containment breach. In the event of a containment breach, personnel should not try to recontain the item, and instead, alert other personnel so that they can evacuate. Another thing to note is that SCP-5700 items should not be taken away from each other, as it could harm containment for quite a few SCP's.

Description: SCP-5700 is a medium sized wooden box, with writing engraved on the top in what seems to be another language. It is believed that these words formed a curse, and was the cause of its anomalous abilities. Inside SCP-5700, there are 3 items. A bone from a human being, with engraved cursed text glowing in red. If anything touches it, it will be cursed, and slowly decay. There is a bundle of hair from what also seems like a human, which grows and consumes anything that touches it. A strange effect, is that subjects seem to want to touch it. There is a piece of paper with writing on it, the ink being blood. Anyone who looks at it will suffer an immediate stroke, and end up dying. All personnel should have constant eye contact with SCP-5700 at all times, since sometimes it opens by itself, and that usually leads to a containment breach.

Addendum: It has been recently figured out that sometimes the cursed items move by themselves. This makes containment even harder, possibly impossible.