Finn the Falcon
rating: 0+x

What this is

A component that displays Finn the Falcon, a mascot of Anderson Robotics, with a speech bubble to make it look like he's saying stuff. Intended to be used for Anderson Robotics consumer-facing promotional documents.

As seen here: new-buteo-series-mechanical-exoskeleton


On any wiki:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:finn-the-falcon
| birb-position=left
| birb-mood=friendly
| birb-direction=right
| big-text=Hi!
| small-text=I'm Finn the Falcon, Anderson Robotics' Feathery Friend!
| lengthy=false
| class=none

Parameters explanation:

birb-position Renders Finn on the left or right on desktop. Renders Finn above and below on mobile, respectively.
Options: left, right
birb-mood Which expression should Finn have?
Options: friendly, shock, threat, sunglasses, invisible
birb-direction The direction that Finn's head is pointing.
Options: left, right
big-text Text to show in a larger font size.
small-text Text to show in a smaller font size.
lengthy Toggle between two different display modes based on how long the text is.
If lengthy is true, the big-text will be on top and the small-text will be underneath, which frees up space for you to make the text as lengthy as you'd like.
If lengthy is false, the big-text and the small-text are shown side-by-side. Try to keep things short in this case, or it'll look weird.
Rule of thumb: if small-text is longer than one line, set to true.
Options: true, false
class Any extra CSS classes to add. Include "no-title" to ignore big-text, or "no-body" to ignore small-text.

Finn's moods:











Finn was created by OthellotheCatOthellotheCat (see more art by Othello)


