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Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard D-Class holding cell with padding on all of the walls and on the edges of objects in the room. SCP-XXXX is to be given constant medical examinations and treatments to help aid the healing of various wounds and scar tissue. Prior to the beginning of the transformation phase, SCP-XXXX is to be escorted to a large padded cell containing no other objects by no less than 4 armed guards. During the transformation phase, there are to be 2 guards watching through the viewing window, and 2 guards watching the door. If SCP-XXXX becomes agitated, more guards may be called to ensure the safety of the scientists. Medical staff is to also be on standby to treat the subject at all times.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 1.8 meter tall 28 year old Caucasian male who goes by the name ████. SCP-XXXX sports a large amount of scar tissue over its body, particularly on it’s back. SCP-XXXX refuses to speak about the origin of the scars. SCP-XXXX has shown suicidal tendencies in the past, and measures have been taken to prevent them from developing further.

SCP-XXXX was located by the Foundation on ██/██/████ after reports of screaming and animal cries were sent to the local Police Department. Subject was passed out on the floor of [REDACTED], likely due to shock from the transformation process.

Approximately once a month1, SCP-XXXX will begin a period of transformation into a creature which has not been identified as anything else known. Progress of this transformation is halted by the large amount of scar tissue it possesses, causing the subject immense pain. Transformation lasts for approximately 6-8 hours. After which, SCP-XXXX will begin reverting back into a regular human state. Medical staff is to be let into the chambers as soon as SCP-XXXX has reverted back to human to administer proper aid.

SCP-XXXX has reported that they retain awareness during this process, and can clearly remember events that occured during and directly following the transformation.

The transformation process has 4 currently known stages.

Stage 1: (1 - 2 hours.) SCP-XXXX begins feeling lightheaded and starts experiencing joint pain. SCP-XXXX is to report these feelings immediately to staff on hand watching the containment cell.

Stage 2: (20 - 30 minutes.) SCP-XXXX begins the physical transformation, which results in the following:

  • Increased height, recorded up to (approximately) 2.2 meters.
  • Increased length of appendages, particularly the arms.
  • Lengthening of the face, resulting in a snout.
  • Eyes lose their pigmentation, turning them a pure white.
  • Teeth begin to grow in length, becoming similar to that of a canine.
  • Hair begins to sprout up in patches of various lengths along the body.
  • The back becomes increasingly hunched, resulting in the spinal cord being plainly visible.
  • Nails on both the hands and feet rapidly increasing in size, ending with fine points on the ends.
  • Increased aggression towards other people/animals.

Absolutely no contact is to be made during this stage, as subject is extremely hostile and will attempt to attack anyone displaying any sort of aggression within the vicinity. Futher testing is required to determine SCP-XXXX's physical capabilities during this period.

Stage 3: (5 - 6.5 hours.) SCP-XXXX transformation process becomes halted by the large amount of scar tissue on the body, resulting in the transformation becoming stuck. SCP-XXXX becomes less hostile, preferring to lay down on the floor and weep. SCP-XXXX may cry out and beg for help. Help is not to be given until after Stage 4 to minimize risk of staff being injured/killed.

Stage 4: (30 minutes - 1 hour.) The transformation process begins reverting, giving the subject it’s more human qualities back. SCP-XXXX will usually become incapacitated from the pain during this stage. After staff is 100% confident it is safe, medical personnel may enter the containment cell and begin a detailed medical examination, after which SCP-XXXX is to be safely transported to the medical wing for further treatment/testing.

Audio Log from Interview XXXX-1
((Will be writing an interview between a doctor and the SCP later, want to get opinions on what I have down now.))