The Crown of the Damned

Item#: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No personnel should interact or approach SCP-XXX without permission from a level 3 personnel. SCP-XXX is to be held in a small, locked container of any material. Viewing of SCP-XXX is to be allowed by any personnel above level 2 clearance. Inspections of SCP-XXX's is to be supervised by Security and Research Personnel in case of a test being accepted and carried out. Tests involving the creation of SCP-XXX-1 are to be held in padded cells where constant supervision is admitted. These padded cells must have a sink and a toilet for SCP-XXX-1 to use. Cameras and microphones are to be hidden inside of the padding to view SCP-XXX-1. SCP-XXX-1 is to always wear a straight jacket except at meal times or when he requests to use the toiletries, although at meal times no metal utensils should be given. Any equipment used by SCP-XXX-1 are to be accounted for as the SCP has been documented to use the equipment to create weaponry.

Three escape attempts have been recorded, two of which involved SCP-XXX-1 battering multiple personnel with office equipment. Tranquillisers have been shown to be the only way to immobilise SCP-XXX-1 without injury from either the wearer or recovery units. Small and medium arms are to be used if dire situations arrive although they are not recommended as SCP-XXX has the ability to suppress the emotion 'Pain', thus making violence towards the SCP pointless. If small/medium arms are used against SCP-XXX-1, personnel should be at least 8-10 metres away to allow continual fire.


Description: SCP-XXX resembles a Crown wore by Monarchs or deities, which resembles power. SCP-XXX consists of unknown metals and crystals. SCP-XXX is 52 centimetres long (Average human head size), Crystals are 4mm apart, with a clear tube located on the bottom, a larger dark-reddish diamond remains on the front. The metallic frame has a Pristine look upon closer viewing, such as the crystals although tests have shown various breakages and supposably attempts of destruction along the structure. The crown has no abilities besides its overwhelming appearance, tests have shown SCP-XXX relies on the curiosity and stupidity of its victims to wear itself and thus become SCP-XXX-1.

If any personnel wears SCP-XXX, most of their personality and independence is weakened and eventually taken over of by SCP-XXX's true personality thus creating SCP-XXX-1. The true personality is shown to act like a "king" and has access to otherworldly scientific knowledge, which personnel have tried to understand but often result in violent outbreaks from SCP-XXX-1. The SCP-XXX-1 insists of being worshipped, and if denied it'll attempt to punish those into acceptance. SCP-XXX-1 is shown to have access to the wearer's knowledge, therefore only D-Class personnel should interact with SCP-XXX as they have little information on the foundation's security and layout. The victim's memories have been shown to effect SCP-XXX-1's control, although this has been shown as being quite rare. The dislikes from the victim have also been seen to effect SCP-XXX-1, thus making deals with SCP-XXX-1 impossible. SCP-XXX-1 has been recorded to bargain with the scientific and Security personnel to be released with the incentive of otherworldly technology, any attempts to abuse these deals had resulted in destructive weaponry and most commonly double-crossing although such weaponry has been useful to the foundation but the SCP has shown no remorse to damage as much of the facility as possible. SCP-XXX most recent wearers have fortunately learnt not to bargain with personnel as no further deals will be accepted as SCP-XXX wants harsh requirements often involving Dr Dante █████. SCP-XXX appears to have gained a violent hatred over Dr Dante █████, who is in command and responsible for any procedures/experiments over SCP-XXX.


Addendum XXX-1: Information about Origins.

Location of Discovery: A Gold Mine, ████, Western Australia.

Year: 1992.

Time/day Event took place: 12th of June 0900-1700.

Recovery Log: The SCP foundation received information from the Australian Government of a cult surfacing who had access to otherworldly technology and were using it on Police units heading to the Area. The A.D.F (Australian Defence Force) began a Joint operation with the SCP Foundation to investigate the cult further. MTF Unit Sigma 9 "The Cavalry" were ordered to recover SCP-XXX and eliminate any resistance. The MTF helicopter had to land due to a sandstorm, MTF unit sigma 9 was forced to head on foot.

The MTF unit came in contact with SCP-XXX-1 who was sitting on a pile corpses with his followers kneeling around him. SCP-XXX-1 was holding a "Neutron-flow Particle Pistol" and pointed it at the MTF unit. SCP-XXX-1 gave the MTF unit two choices, "Die" or "Kneel to him". The MTF unit opened fire upon SCP-XXX-1, who ordered his followers to grab surrounding corpses to use as shields. SCP-XXX-1 used the Pistol and killed two MTF, who was able to pick off four of the followers. One of the followers were able to jump one of the MTF and take his weapon. Five MTF were killed with three injured. The followers were quickly eliminated with only one living, SCP-XXX-1 began firing at the MTF unit, killing two more MTF. The Pistol was quickly dealt with when a spray of bullets enabled it useless. The MTF continued firing at SCP-XXX-1 who ran at another MTF soldier and attempted to take their weapon. SCP-XXX-1 was soon eliminated after 15 seconds of constant machine gun fire.

SCP-XXX and the Surviving follower were taken to the nearest SCP Facility. The follower was questioned by Dr Dante ████

Interrogation Log:

- At 2:31 pm on Friday the 18th of June 1992, the last survivor of the cult "Rohan" told Dr Dante ███ the following:

- Miner Frank ███ was exposed to SCP-XXX after a series of tunnels were unearthed after a mining incident.

- SCP-XXX-1 killed the miner Travis █████ with a rock before forcing the onlookers "To kneel to him".

- SCP-XXX-1 developed a 'Neutron Flow Particle Pistol" which was fortunately destroyed in an attempt to immobilise the SCP.

- SCP-XXX-1 created the 'Neutron Flow Particle Pistol' from the machinery of a spotlight.

- The Miners were treated to hourly beatings from the SCP, as many were not complying.

- An attempt to overtake the SCP was acted upon but resulted in multiple casualties.

- The miners complied to everything the SCP said and thus the majority were killed by MTF Unit Sigma 9 'The Cavalry'.

Addendum XXX-2: Timeline involving SCP-XXX.

13th of June 1992: SCP-XXX is apprehended and sent to the nearest SCP facility.

7th of July 1992: Dr Dante takes full command and responsibility for any experiments involving SCP-XXX.

21st of January 1995: Administrator ████████, orders an experiment involving SCP-XXX to commence without Dr Dante approval.

17th of February 1995: SCP-XXX-1 adjusts to the facility's daily timetable.

3rd of March 1995: SCP-XXX-1 attempts to bargain with Security Officer Travis ████████, who accepts and assists in an escape attempt. SCP-XXX-1 terminates Security Officer Travis and wounds multiple personnel before being immobilised by MTF units.

10th of November 1997: Tougher security over SCP-XXX-1 commences with Dr Dante's permission.

1rd of December 1998: SCP-XXX-1 seems to have fallen into a coma, attempts to revive SCP-XXX-1 were denied by Dr Dante who saw it as another escape attempt.

2nd of December 1998: SCP-XXX-1 reawakens from the coma and attempts to bargain with the overseeing personnel but all bargains are denied except the deal to allow SCP-XXX-1 to have better food in exchange of knowledge of the 'Neutron Flow Particle pistol' blueprint.

4th of January 1998: A blueprint is given to SCP personnel who attempt to replicate the "Neutron Flow Particle Pistol" under safe procedures. An explosion occurs during testing of "Neutron Flow Particle Pistol" which caused no injuries but it sealed the deal that no person should visit or communicate with SCP-XXX-1.

19th of March 2016: SCP-XXX's body dies due to accidental poisoning from one of the Cooking staff.

20th of March 2016: SCP-XXX is locked away and Dr Dante orders that no further tests should arrise.

1st of April 2019: Administrator ████████ requests further testing of SCP-XXX to assist in an attempt to create a cure for Cancer although this order is still pending.