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A photographed instance of SCP-4385-1

Item #: SCP-4385

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The area of land affected by SCP-4385 is to be surrounded with a tungsten dome approximately 1m thick, 100m in circumference, and 50m in height. At exactly 3ft beneath the surface of the ground, a layer of soil 1in deep will be removed, and the resulting empty space will be flooded. This water must be electrically charged and infused with lipids, protein, crude fibers and ash, representing 27.2, 13.2, 35.3 and 2.0%, respectively. There will be four hydraulic doors, similar to those in Site-██, set in the dome, corresponding to the cardinal directions. A member of MTF Theta-4 ("Gardeners") will be stationed on either side of the West and East doors. A member of MTF Eta-11 ("Savage Beasts") will be stationed on either side of the North and South doors. The doors to the West and East will be designated exits, and the doors to the North and South will be designated entrances. Any personnel entering the dome are required to wear earmuffs or earplugs. Any personnel exiting or entering through any door that are seen to be carrying a tune in any way, (i.e. tapping a foot, humming, or singing) will be shot on sight. All personnel exiting the dome will be submitted to a biological scan using the Kozlov-Walker Genetic Analyzer. If they are seen to share any percentage of their DNA, no matter how small, with Malus sieversii, they will be administered Class-D amnestics and turned over to medical staff at Site-██ for further testing of the parasite.

Description: SCP-4385 is a large parasite resembling a member of the species Thermobia domestica. They have been observed in laboratory conditions to grow up to 6in long, however the largest known member of the species was recorded at 30ft. SCP-4385, when born, will feed on the inside of the tree its egg was laid in. Once it reaches its largest possible size, which varies greatly, it seeks out a human host. Upon contact with a human, SCP-4385 will burrow inward towards the nearest vein and rapidly expel everything it has ever eaten, filling its host's bloodstream with the matter from the core of the wild apple tree. For unknown reasons, the reaction is delayed. The host, hereby designated SCP-4385-1, will lose control of their vocalizations, and do nothing but walk in circles, (the circumference of which varies for each subject) and hum. After two weeks, the instance of SCP-4385-1 will begin its transformation into a tree of the species Malus sieversii. The boughs of the tree will retain a humanoid shape, and the song will continue from somewhere within the core of the tree. This song is known as SCP-4385-2. Anyone exposed to the song for more than two minutes will react as if they are host to an instance of SCP-4385. All instances of SCP-4385-1 that have progressed into the tree phase will generate one instance of SCP-4385 per month.

Addendum 4385-1: MTF Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") was sent in to deal with the threat, leading to the death of five instances of SCP-4385 and the conversion of one of their members into an instance of SCP-4385-1.

Addendum 4385-2: Per the information gathered from MTF Lambda-12 ("Pest Control") about the anomalous song generated by SCP-4385-1 instances, and the botanical nature of SCP-4385-1 instances, MTF Eta-11 ("Savage Beasts") and MTF Theta-4 ("Gardeners") were sent in to contain the anomaly. So far, no breaches or safety concerns have been recorded or voiced.