DaveyTheDuck's sad attempts at an SCP.
Heres all the stuff I'm trying failing to make:
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SCP-XXXX Being held by Dr. ██████ shortly after the events of Test-A.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a custom 10m x 10m x 10m chamber equipped with waterproof copper walls, an airlock door system as well as a reinforced glass window for observational purposes. SCP-XXXX should have its cell kept at around 18 degrees Celsius. The floor of the chamber should be covered in small rocks and decorated with plastic freshwater plants. Under no circumstance should SCP-XXXX's chamber to be filled with water1 nor should any fire or potential fire starters be placed within a 5-km radius of SCP-XXXX. Testing requires permission from two level 4 personnel.

Any cracks, nicks, or signs of corrosion in the observational window must be reported and repaired immediately. SCP-XXXX is to be fed 1-2 non-anomalous small insects at least 3 times a day by personnel who have been briefed on the handling and feeding process of SCP-XXXX. Weekly repairs, cleaning, and maintenance are to be done to ensure SCP-XXXX has a clean environment, as well as to check if any corrosive damage has been done to the specimen's cell or decorations. Monthly checkups should be scheduled with SCP-XXXX in order to maintain and ensure the subject's health. Any algae or mold growth is normal and if algae or mold growth in the chamber stops it is to be reported immediately. If algae or mold spreads over the observational window it is to be cleaned off. If any unknown or abnormal types mold or algae begins to grow, SCP-XXXX will be transported to a temporary containment unit and the chamber is to be closely examined until the algae or mold is identified. If the algae or mold holds unknown or harmful effects then the chamber is to be scheduled for immediate decontamination. If algae or mold holds beneficial effects, SCP-XXXX can be brought back to its containment unit, and samples should be taken for further study purposes.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 7cm long, 2-year-old female freshwater fish of the Etheostoma caeruleum species2. It's gills appear non-anomalous, but upon closer examination and from thorough testing, researchers have concluded that the subject's gills are incapable of extracting oxygen from water. SCP-XXXX shows very little signs of high intellect and naturally will flee from any people or moving large objects SCP-XXXX's evasive patterns have been studied and methods of capturing SCP-XXXX. The specimen emits a light "humming" sound, similar to a computer fan which can be heard if close enough to SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX is capable of "swimming" in the air, this is caused by the specimen's anomalous ability, which allows SCP-XXXX to generate an unknown water-like substance. The liquid has been considered to be a new element and has been named "████████████ █████████" by the Head Researcher, Dr. ██████

The anomalous liquid revolves around SCP-XXXX, pulled in by an unknown force of some kind. The substance is invisible to the human eye but can be revealed through a black light. The substance cannot support biological life and has a pH of 1.4, and unlike most liquids, it does not dampen or leave any moisture left behind from physical contact. SCP-XXXX absorbs, or "breaths" the unknown substance at around the same rate as SCP-XXXX generates the substance. The area the unknown substance spans from has a radius of 2.7 meters. The liquid emits a stench, commonly described by personnel as "A combination of paint and chlorine."

Addendum XXXX-1:

Addendum XXXX-2: SCP-XXXX was discovered in the year 2003 when multiple reports of a fish swimming in the air and recent casualties caused by suffocation in ██████, ██. A local agent, (█████ ███████) embedded into the police station went to investigate. About 5 days later █████ ███████, reported to have found and manage to temporarily capture the anomaly causing the reports. MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") were sent in to eliminate all suspicions of SCP-XXXX as well as cover up the 4 deaths linked to SCP-XXXX. Class-C amnestics were applied to all civilian witnesses. SCP-XXXX was then later transferred to Site-██ and later moved to Site-██, Where it now currently resides.

SIDE NOTES: [Please ignore this if your not the author]
Sources: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-7363712/hi-making-a-aquatic-ish-scp-and-need-to-know-some-names-for#post-3957369

Helpers: http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-7396466/just-finished-up-on-my-latest-scp-would-like-to-hear-thought#post-3964420