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rating: 0+x
Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is kept in a locked, climate-controlled storage unit located on Site-65. Further containment procedures are not required. Upon retrieval, SCP-XXXX will be kept in a high-security humanoid containment cell on Site-65. Direct interaction with SCP-XXXX for any purpose, including testing, is not permitted. SCP-XXXX is to be administered Class F amnestics on the 1st and 15th day of each month.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a ventriloquist's dummy in the form of a early-20th century man in a black suit. The object is constructed of pine wood and various metal fittings, and the apparel of wool. There are no engravings or identifying markings visible on SCP-XXXX. Observers report that when a person inserts their hand into SCP-XXXX's puppet glove, said person will appear to be suddenly adept at the skill of ventriloquism regardless of their previous experience with it. Further testing, however, suggests that SCP-XXXX exerts a strong influence over the actions of the person utilizing it.

Discovery and Containment: SCP-XXXX was recovered from Rose Valley, Saskatchewan on September 17, 2022, following the supposed suicide of a locally-known street performer named "Ronald Witberg". Mr. Witberg was recognized by the local paper prior to the incident as "Saskatchewan's - no - the WORLD'S greatest ventriloquist ever". When Mr. Witberg's body was initially discovered, his hand was inserted into SCP-XXXX's puppet glove. One of the first responders placed SCP-XXXX onto their hand, causing it's anomalous effects to manifest. When a co-worker removed the object, the first responder indicated he had no memory of interacting with the object and was transferred to a nearby hospital for follow-up, where embedded SCP Foundation agents seized the object for containment and administered amnestics to those involved.

[[collapsible show="SCP-XXXX Testing Log A" hide="Hide Testing Log"]]

Date / Time: September 19, 2022 @ 09:46
Tester: Dr. Grimley, Senior Testing Administrator

SCP-XXXX has remained in an inactive state since completion of the initial test. D-10777 is provided with the same directions as the previous test and SCP-XXXX activates as expected.

D-10777: Ugh…

Dr. Grimley: Hello again, Mr. Witberg.

D-10777: W-what? Oh… I must've fallen asleep or something…

Dr. Grimley: Is that what it feels like?

D-10777: Yeah… Like I just woke from a- Wait, what do you mean "what it feels like"? Did you drug me? Oh God…

SCP-XXXX begins hyperventilating through D-10777.

Dr. Grimley: No, Mr. Witberg… You haven't been administered anything.

D-10777: Then tell me what the f-fuck's going on!

Dr. Grimley: Mr. Witberg, are you aware of your condition?

D-10777: M-my condition? I don't have one…

Dr. Grimley: You haven't felt or noticed anything… different?

D-10777: Maybe a few stiff muscles b-but nothing out of the ordinary. Did something happen?

Dr. Grimley: