

Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:SCP-XXXX-A is to be kept in a standard animal containment cell at site-██, low-security zoological unit, at least 30m away from any electronic device. Interactions with SCP-XXXX-A are limited to Foundation personnel with clearance of at least Level 3/XXXX. Any Foundation personnel with insufficient clearance found interacting with SCP-XXXX-A must be escorted away from SCP-XXXX-A by contaiment staff and administered Class-A amnestics immediately. SCP-XXXX-A must be fed a diet suitable for a non-anomalous instance of Canis lupus familiaris, and provided with fresh water twice daily. Per request by SCP-XXXX-A, standard indoor canine enrichment will be provided on a daily basis. All requests by SCP-XXXX-A for walks, as well as any requests to leave its containment cell, are to be denied. All requests by SCP-XXXX-A to search for SCP-XXXX-B are to be denied. SCP-XXXX-A is to be given false reports on the search for SCP-XXXX-B according to the procedures found in DOC-XXXX-01. Any Foundation personnel found to be assisting SCP-XXXX-A in finding SCP-XXXX-B will be reprimanded appropriately.

Description:SCP-XXXX is a red dog collar with several electronic additions, including wiring, a speaker capable of emitting sounds up to 90dB, a solar cell 3cm by 3cm capable of powering all electronics on the collar, and a device capable of translating the thoughts of the wearer, designated SCP-XXXX-A, into English. All translations are broadcast by the speaker on the collar at an appropriate volume level for the target of communication. SCP-XXXX is also capable of wirelessly interfacing with any sufficiently complex electronic device within 30m, allowing for the sending and receiving of messages at the wearer's discretion. SCP-XXXX is capable of transmitting messages and information received in this manner directly to the brain of the wearer. Information received in this manner can be seen by the wearer upon closing its eyes, allowing the wearer to navigate websites and read text should it be within range of an appropriate electronic device. Research into how this effect is achieved without neural implants in the wearer is ongoing. Due to poorly understood, potentially anomalous nature of this technology, no attempts have been made to remove SCP-XXXX from SCP-XXXX, as the potential effects on SCP-XXXX-A are unknown.

SCP-XXXX-A is a non-anomalous, female instance of Canis lupus familiaris of the standard beagle breed, and self-identifies as "Laika". It does not show any signs of genetic engineering or anomalies, although it possesses above-average intelligence for its species and breed. SCP-XXXX-A shows a preoccupation with returning to its owner, designated SCP-XXXX-B.

SCP-XXXX-B is an unknown male, presumed to be the owner of SCP-XXXX-A. No known paratech creators match the description given by SCP-XXXX-A. All attempts to find SCP-XXXX-B have resulted in failure.

Recovery Log: On 01/08/2016, reports of a talking dog in █████, CO were brought to the attention of Foundation webcrawlers. Two agents were dispatched for immediate containment of potential anomalous activity.

Addendum 12/08/2016: After initial containment, it was determined that the anomalous effects originally attributed to SCP-XXXX-A originated from its collar, which is now designated SCP-XXXX. Item description on nomenclature has been updated accordingly.

Addendum: Interview Log:

Addendum 24/09/2016: Due to the ability of SCP-XXXX to communicate with any electronic device of sufficient complexity and function, SCP-XXXX-A is not to be let out of containment under any circumstances. In order to keep requests to leave containment to a minimum, disinformation protocols have been put in place. See DOC-XXXX-01 for further details.

Addendum 01/10/2016: The Foundation Temporal Anomalies Unit recovered note from the same location SCP-XXXX was first discovered. A transcript of the note has been provided.


No plans have been made to return SCP-XXXX-A, as current technology does not allow it.