Doctor Duncan D Dean
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a simple cardboard box and located at any available storage unit.

Special Containment Procedures While Testing:* Any subject currently being controlled by SCP-XXXX is to be kept in any humanoid holding cell with a Camera inside to monitor SCP-XXXX's behaivor.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a simple, black pullover hoodie with a dark red lining on the underside of the hood. The lining itself is made of an unknown, skin-like material.

After a subject puts on SCP-XXXX no immediate effect will occur. However after lifting the hood up, the subject's face will be covered by a black veil that is uncapable of being taken off. Subjects will feel a wet sensation on the top of their head before going unconcious. After approximately 5-10 minutes of unconsciousness the subjects will wake up and be under controll of SCP-XXXX

Any subject under the effect of SCP-XXXX will be uncapable of talking or moving on their own. Rather SCP-XXXX will talk as if it was its own person.

SCP-XXXX describes itself as soft spoken and well mannered. These statements were proven true after a week of being in control of a subject.

Interviews and Tests show that SCP-XXXX is cooperative with other SCP personel. Often offering help if help is required and asking if it could help any clean up crews in the area. Multiple accounts have been recorded of SCP-XXXX cleaning the housing units of other SCP personel.

SCP-XXXX has a strange fondness for snow and ice. Going as far as asking for its Holding cell to be filled with large blocks of ice and to be given sculpting chissels. If given said items SCP-XXXX would create sculptures of any personel in the area.