Doctor Phynx
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Item #: SCP-4357

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter SCP-4357 manifests in is to be sealed off and labeled as a Bio-hazardous area and no civilians are to be allowed to enter within twenty(20) meters of this area. If any civilians are to somehow bypass the security set up around this area and manage to survive, they are to be administered Class-B amnestics and is to be released as normal. Two armed level-3 guards are to be stationed at each side of the perimeter and every week the area must be checked for any entries in or out besides the main gate(s).

Description: SCP-4357 is half of a human(gender unidentified) measuring about 0.9 meters in length, and carries a pair of Kama1 which appears to be extremely worn out and stained with a deep crimson2. SCP-4357s primary means of locomotion is using the ends of the handles of the Kama to pull itself around, and shows signs of distress when doing so. When a human gets within SCP-4357s line of sight, SCP-4357 will enter an enraged state, and will chase the human(hereby referred to as SCP-4357-1) with increasing speed the long the chase continues. If SCP-4357 catches up to SCP-4357-1 it will attempt to slice the its legs, if successful and SCP-4357-1 falls, SCP-4357 will do one(1) of three(3) actions.

Action one(1): SCP-4357 will disembowel the SCP-4357-2, which SCP-4357-1 does not appear to die until SCP-4357 finishes.

Action two(2): SCP-4357 will attempt to completely skin SCP-4357-1, and in doing so SCP-4357 will appear to consume the skin, SCP-4357-1 remains alive through this entire process and expires shortly afterwards.

Action three(3): SCP-4357 will attempt to slice SCP-4357-1 in half, creating another instance of itself3.