Charles Doomsgate

Item #: XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-1 must be isolated from organic material and transported to Site-19. SCP-XXXX-1 is to be stored collectively in a 20m x 20m x 20m cube with lead walls no less than 40 cm thick. The cube will then be flooded with neutron radiation for 48 hours, after which SCP-XXXX-1 will revert to its natural state, and may be detained.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a population of humanoid entities with an extremely low opacity. The exact number of SCP-XXXX appears to coincide with the human population on Earth. Instances of SCP-XXXX measure from 1.6 to 1.9 meters in height. SCP-XXXX is incapable of making physical contact with any organic material.

SCP-XXXX will have periods of activity emerging every thirteen months. During this activity, approximately 4% of SCP-XXXX will enter an agitated state, referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. During this agitated state, SCP-XXXX-1 reach a level of opacity that can reach the human eye, but still with no discernible pigmentation. Furthermore, SCP-XXXX-1 also demonstrates the ability to rapidly disintegrate organic substances, which SCP-XXXX-1 will attempt to do to any organic substances it comes across.