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SCP-5729 getting his head out of the darkness of his Containment Zone, brightened up a little bit.

Item #: SCP-5729

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5729 is to be kept in a 5x5x5 meter room at Site-[REDACTED], in complete darkness, and with no cameras filming the Inner Containment Zone or windows that allow the viewing of the Inner Containment Zone. There is a light present in the Inner Containment Zone for testing purposes however it is to stay off and it should only be turned on during tests if it is required. In order to make sure the SCP has not breached containment a specialized Recontainment Unit that knows the SCP-5729 procedures is to do daily presence checks that are conducted by activating the radar present in the Inner Containment Zone from the control panel located in the Outer Containment Zone. Doing so will scan the whole Inner Containment Zone for the SCP's position. If the SCP is not found inside then the special SCP-5729 Breach Alarm is to be sounded as soon as possible and the containment protocols are to be followed by all personnel.

Testing on SCP-5729 is to be done only by Level 4+ researchers and with extreme caution, using Class-Ds that are willing to communicate and cooperate fully and with at least three Recontainment Units equipped to deal with SCP-5729 breaches present. Before any test on SCP-5729 commences, a presence check must be conducted by one of the Recontainment Units that escort the test to make sure the SCP is still there and is not near the Outer to Inner Containment Zone Airlock, to minimize breach chances. After the test is concluded another presence check must be conducted and only after it has been confirmed that SCP-5729 has not breached will the test be concluded.

In case of an SCP-5729 breach, the special alarm is to be sounded instead of the normal one and the following protocols are to be followed:
-> Any personnel that does not contribute to Securing/Recontaining is to head to the Breach Shelter immediately and is to not look at the Breach Shelter Door and when they hear the door open they are to close their eyes and under no circumstances look at the door until a Recontainment Unit equipped to deal with SCP-5729, stationed near the door, confirms that whoever or whatever entered is not the SCP. In the case that whoever or whatever entered is the SCP, the personnel are to keep their eyes closed, look at the floor and follow the commands of the Recontainment Units in order for them to go back to safety. Opening the eyes and looking at the SCP during this procedure will lead to you being attacked by it and after you have regained consciousness you will be punished accordingly.
-> Any Security/Recontainment units present are to equip their Echolocation Goggles and activate them, they are to not take the goggles off until the breach has ended. Security is to keep their position and protect sensitive locations and report any sightings of the SCP. The Recontainment Units are to lure the SCP back into its containment zone and then conduct a present check to make sure it has been fully contained. At least one Recontainnment Unit equipped with the goggles is to be stationed at the Breach Shelter door and check everyone that enters it.

Description: SCP-5729 is a humanoid SCP, about 1.98 meters tall, and showing signs of good health conditions. The SCP is dressed in a kind of costume made out of rags with ropes dangling from its face, arms, and the lower body portion. The SCP appears to show signs of intelligence however it does not usually speak. When it speaks, it does so telepathically if a target is in the same room with it and is in range. It tells the target to look at it fully and if the target proceeds to not look at it it will start asking why and telling it that it is beautiful and it should be looked at, becoming more and more violent until the target has either gave up, left the room or left the range however the SCP will try to get back in range, the range is about 3 meters. If the SCP is contained then sometimes it will communicate telepathically with people near its containment zone and tell them to let it out proceeding to do so until they are out of this attack's range that is 8 meters, rooms do not influence this attack.

The SCP shows no signs of physical violence and walks at a normal speed, not walking too fast or a lot when a target is in range. If someone looks at SCP-5729 he will be irrationally scared and become even more scared until he passes out and then appears in a room near the room the SCP was, usually during tests that room is the Outer Containment Zone. The subject regains consciousness after about one hour of being passed out and shows no memory of ever coming into contact with SCP-5729 or what happened to him after he passed out. The second time a subject sees SCP-5729 he will be as scared as the first time but he will also remember the first encounter, this leading to the subject being very confused and even more scared than before. The subject passes out and appears in a room near the SCP's room. After about 2 hours, the subjects regains consciousness and does not remember anything again but he shows an irrational sense of fear that disturbs him, this lasts anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours. If a subject sees SCP-5729 again while he is in the irrationally scared state he will be confused, remembering the first and second time and then the SCP will emit a low screeching noise after which the subject falls unconscious again and disappears for about 24 hours. After 24 hours the subject is usually found in a room near the room where the SCP was at the time of the attack, shivering with terror and showing signs of PTSD. Therapy sessions with the subjects that experienced this say that they taught they were gone for months and that they were re-living all the encounters with the SCP over and over again, each time reliving the inhumane fear and confusion they were put through. Recovery could take months, even more, depending on the case, however they will never fully recover, forever remembering the horrors that they were put through. Interacting with the SCP a third time after the fear effects have disappeared leads to the subject experiencing the same effects as the second time. The SCP does not seem to affect subjects that have encountered it the third time while still being in fear before they recover. Interacting after they have recovered shows the same results as the second interactions, each time the fear getting less and less intense. Further research into the possibility of immunity is required.

Addendum: N/A (soon to add the tests)