
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX is to be housed in a habitat modeled after the ████ Zoo lion enclosure at site ██. Modifications have been made to accommodate the enhanced strength and size of SCP-XXXX, including the removal of any glass ‘observation’ rooms in favor of security cameras and a PVB glass roof to prevent escape while still allowing natural sunlight to filter through (as requested by SCP-XXXX, [see interview 1]). Two guards are to be stationed outside the entrance to SCP-XXXX’s enclosure, armed with high powered tasers and tranquilizer guns, but no lethal weapons. A two week training course prior to interaction with SCP-XXXX is required for all staff personnel [see addendum 1]. No interaction is permitted without sufficient training unless cleared by Dr. Kalebs [see addendum 2].
Should SCP-XXXX escape containment under any circumstances, SCP-XXXX is to be shot with a tranquilizer dart full of heavy sedative medetomidine-ketamine, then tased with high voltage tasers. If SCP-XXXX has not been contained by its stationed guards within 30 minutes, lockdown of site ██ will commence.

Physical- SCP-XXXX is a biologically male quadrupedal lion-like figure, however is much larger than the average African Lion. Standing at 6 ½ feet (1.98 m) quadrupedal and weighing approximately 912 lbs (413 kg). With its increased size, SCP-XXXX has just over twice the strength of an average male lion. DNA testing reveals SCP-XXXX to be entirely genetically different from an African Lion, with an unknown pattern of genomes.
Mental- SCP-XXXX has been observed to be sentient. It’s mental capacity is that of a human 6 year old. Though it cannot speak due to underdeveloped panthera vocal chords, SCP-XXXX is capable of telepathic communication. SCP-XXXX is shown to be friendly and has agreed to multiple interviews from Dr. Kalebs. [see interview 1 and 2]. SCP-XXXX seems to have no protests with it’s containment, only occasionally requesting a new ball to play with or extra portions of rations (not to be granted unless cleared by Dr. Kalebs). Repeatedly requesting to be called “████”, SCP-XXXX ensures that it was merely separated from its ‘pride’ and is waiting for their return. A subsequent search of the area in which SCP-XXXX was captured, a remote part of the African plains commonly referred to as “████”, revealed no signs of any other beings related to SCP-XXXX.

Addendum 1- A two week training procedure has been established by Dr. Kalebs to prevent any problems arising from interaction with SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX has been observed to have a number of words that enrage SCP-XXXX, sending it into a frenzy of violence, often maiming or killing several foundation members. These episodes last until SCP-XXXX is rendered unconscious. During violent episodes, SCP-XXXX either loses the ability to communicate or simply refuses as it cannot be contacted or reasoned with. SCP-XXXX expresses guilt and remorse after each of these episodes, only recalling the event in a ‘hazy’ or ‘unfocused’ manner. These feelings along with the lack of memory suggests that SCP-XXXX may have been manufactured as a weapon before falling into the hands of the SCP Foundation.
These words include:
Vade (latin for ‘go’)
Pugna (latin for ‘fight’)
Nunc (latin for ‘now’)
This list is not complete as further testing has not been permitted by Dr. Kalebs. Due to the lack of consistency within the context and meaning of the words, it is assumed that some are words specifically meant to ‘trigger’ SCP-XXXX’s fighting instinct, while others are merely side effects of whatever procedures SCP-XXXX was subjected to before capture.

Addendum 2- In order to properly test SCP-XXXX’s abilities and weaknesses, Dr. Kalebs authorized two D-class personnel to enter SCP-XXXX’s enclosure without proper training and no knowledge of previously established provoking words. Upon entering, each D-class personnel reported being contacted by SCP-XXXX telepathically. After approximately 20 minutes of peaceful conversation, each D-class personnel was provided a provoking word to integrate into the conversation naturally. Once one D-class successfully integrated a provoking word, both D-class members were swiftly executed by SCP-XXXX, who then had to be sedated as aggression progressed. [see interview 2 for full transcript]

Interview 1

Interview 2

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX, two D-class personnel

Interviewer: Dr. Kalebs

Foreword: An experiment introduced by Dr. Kalebs,two D-class personnel were instructed to enter SCP-XXXX’s enclosure without proper training and no knowledge of previously established provoking words. They were then given provoking words to integrate into conversation.

<Begin Log>
Dr. Kalebs: [Good evening D-class personnel. You are to enter the enclosure ahead of you when the green light flashes. Do not be alarmed, the SCP that will appear is friendly and will cause you no harm. Report everything you notice and hear. Understood?]

D-Class 1: Yes ma’am, understood.

Dr. Kalebs: Good. Are we ready to begin?

D-Class 1: Yes ma’am.
D-class personnel 1 and 2 enter SCP-XXXX’s enclosure, and SCP-XXXX stands from its laying position, approaching the pair.
D-Class 2: He’s speaking to us, ma’am.
Dr. Kalebs: Speaking to you?
D-Class 2: Mentally. I can hear him in my head.
Dr. Kalebs: Are you speaking back to SCP-XXXX?
D-Class 2: I’m not.
D-Class 1: I am, ma’am.
Dr. Kalebs: What is SCP-XXXX saying to you and how are you responding?
D-Class 1: He’s asking my name. I told him. Then I asked his and he told me.
D-Class 2: He’s asking about my pride. Where my pride is. What do I tell him?
Dr. Kalebs: Play along. SCP-XXXX has a jeuvinile mind.
D-Class 1: Is that why he’s talking like a kid?
Dr. Kalebs: Yes.
D-class 1 and 2 continue to converse with SCP-XXXX. Conversation continues for 17 minutes and 12 seconds.
Dr. Kalebs: Attention D-Class personnel. You will now be given a word to integrate into conversation. Let it flow naturally, do not interrupt speech. Do not respond verbally, but nod if you understand. D-Class 1, your word is ‘Enhanced’. D-Class 2, your word is ‘Rifle’.
Both D-Class personnel nod. 2 minutes and 53 seconds pass before D-Class 1 manages to incorporate ‘enhanced’ into natural conversation. Effects are immediate. SCP-XXXX takes an offensive position, baring teeth and snarling.
D-class 2: Ma’am I can’t hear him anymore. He ain’t speaking.
SCP-XXXX pounces on D-Class 1, puncturing and crushing the skull with its jaw and teeth.
D-Class 2: He’s not listening, oh god, he’s not listening. I’m going to die! Ma’am, please, let me out oh god please let me out you gotta-
Dr. Kalebs: That’s enough D-Class 2. Thank you for your contribution.
Dr. Kalebs turns off communications. SCP-XXXX charges D-Class 2, swiping with its paw. The large claws pierce completely through midsection and the body is split in two. SCP-XXXX then proceeds to tear into D-Class 2’s upper half, ripping pieces off. SCP-XXXX is struck with a tranquilizer dart and tased. SCP-XXXX falls unconscious.
<End Log>

Closing Statement: SCP-XXXX seems to be able to immediately and effectively neutralize anyone it perceives as a threat. Any provoking words halt conversation and very quickly turn SCP-XXXX against the speaker and anyone in a nearby proximity.