Dr Alaska

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in Standard Humanoid Containment cells at Echopoint Zulu. Any personnel to come into contact with one of these instances, are to immediately terminate them using small arms and incendiary fire.

SCP-XXXX instances are incredibly hostile towards humans. SCP-XXXX will immediately enter an enraged state when in direct line of sight or in an area of 5 meters around SCP-XXXX. Attacks from SCP-XXXX are unpredictable due to its ability to tunnel through the frozen ground with their nails. SCP-XXXX instances are incredibly capable of maneuvering on snow and can only be stopped by either losing line of sight, or by termination of the instance.

Description: Instances of SCP-XXXX are Homo Neanderthalis. A majority of these instances are male however women and children instances have also been discovered. It is currently unknown why male instances of SCP-XXXX are more aggressive than female instances.

SCP-XXXX was discovered on 08-09-2005 wandering about 2 km outside of Echopoint Zulu. Agent Smith and Agent Chang trailed SCP-XXXX for approximately 15 minutes before a second SCP-XXXX instance, SCP-XXXX-1 emerged from the ground, knocked down Agent Smith and SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-1 began devouring his abdomen region. Agent Smith was then dragged down into the tunnel SCP-XXXX-1 emerged from and both instances disappeared.

Interview Log

Interviewer: So can you please tell me what happened to Agent Smith.
Agent Chang: They came out of nowhere, he barely had time to scream before they got him. We have to go down there, we have to save hi-
Interviewer: Sir, please lower your voice and sit down.
Agent Chang: Sorry. Where were we?
Interviewer: Can you please describe what they looked like?
Agent Chang: They, they looked just like us sir.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Agent Chang: They look like humans sir. They don’t seem to understand our languages but when Smith was screaming, they recoiled and lost their aggressiveness for a short moment.
Interviewer: If they are human like you say than how have they been surviving all this time?
Agent Chang: When the ground opened up beneath Smith warmth rushed out of the hole and for a brief second i could see plant life, and walls covered by blood.
Interviewer: My final question is this, do you still believe they have any shred of humanity left.
Agent Chang No they don't have any humanity left. We would do what they did to survive so what makes us different than them?

-End Log-