Dr B Noor

SCP has been dubbed 0000 because it has no number.
The notes and on edits i will make are still in the file, I'm not done writing yet of course!

Item #: SCP-0000

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is to be contained in a room that is 20m * 20m * 20m. This containment unit consists of three layers of titanium.
It is required to have a steady flow of sedative gasses, this is in order to calm the instances of this SCP.
Incase of a containment breach, these creatures must be led to each-other, this makes re-containing them much easier. When they are together, they must be hit with 100 ml of a tranquilizing agent per creature, then they must be put into a titanium cage as temporary containment unit in order to move them back to their primary containment unit.

SCP-0000 consists of two avian creatures which are referred to as SCP-0000-1 and SCP-0000-2, both specimens appear female.
These beings resemble the owl species bubo virginianus, but at a very unusual size of 3 meters tall. They have immensely sharp claws and appear to have beaks that can cut through iron. Their feathers have been observed to be razor sharp. When an instance of SCP-0000 screeches at any living organism they appear to glow, these screeches have been measured to reach around 130dB, this means that they are marked for death, see log-0000-3.

SCP-0000-1 is a very aggressive creature, attacking almost everything in sight, the only thing currently known to calm this creature is SCP-0000-2, it is currently not known why the presence of SCP-0000-2 calms SCP-0000-1.
SCP-0000-2 is, unlike SCP-0000-1, a very calm and docile creature, however, it can be angered by touching its stomach, it is currently unknown why this is. SCP-0000-2 appears to be telepathic, see log-0000-1, log-0000-2 and log-0000-3 for the original documentation of this.

These two creatures are very similar in appearance, however SCP-0000-1 appears to have a slightly misshapen right leg, this resembles a scythe of sorts.
Both instances have glowing eyes, SCP-0000-1 has eyes that glow crimson red whilst SCP-0000-2 has eyes which glow dark blue. It is likely that this an adaption to help the instances of SCP-0000 hunt in low light environments.
Both of these creatures don't seem to need rest, however, sleep inducing substances do seem to weaken them and keep them calmer.
Both creatures appear to be omnivorous, however SCP-0000-1 seems to prefer a carnivorous diet, while SCP-0000-2 appears to prefer plant matter.

SCP-0000-1 appears to be unintelligent, however SCP-0000-2 appears to be very intelligent. Communication appears possible via the telepathic abilities of SCP-0000-2.
Both instances of SCP-0000 appear to have some sort of marking burnt into their chest, on SCP-0000-1 this symbol resembles a human skull and on SCP-0000-2 this symbol is a brain of sorts.
These beings have a minor form of regenerative ability, the current reason for these markings remaining unhealed is currently unknown.
The instances of SCP-0000 seem to get very progressively more aggressive if their containment doesn't allow them ample space.

SCP-0000-1 was discovered in [REDACTED], Mexico, after some locals found feathers of SCP-0000-1 and eventually came into contact with it, after a photo that the locals had taken had reached the foundation a retrieval team was dispatched and had successfully captured this instance of SCP-0000.
SCP-0000-2 was found one day after the discovery of SCP-0000-1. It was discovered in [REDACTED], The Netherlands, as it was spotted flying above the town. After video evidence of SCP-000-2 had reached the foundation, a retrieval team was dispatched to the location and had successfully captured SCP-0000-2. Since the instances of SCP-0000 were introduced to each other, they become extremely agitated and aggressive if separated.

Dr. B. Noor had requested permission to tame them, to make research safer. Permission granted. See log-0000-1

Log-0000-1: Taming attempt #1
Three D-class personnel were sent into the containment, D-343, D-5471 and D-245.

SCP-0000-2 looked at them with seeming interest.

SCP-0000-1 screeched at D-245, who proceeded to start glowing crimson red.

D-343 proceeded to become very panicked, screaming "What did it just do?! Can we get out of here yet? This isn't going to work!"

Moments after this, D-343 exclaimed: "AAAGH! What the hell?! It's in my head!"

All three of the D-class personnel were removed from the containment unit. D-343 was later questioned about it being "inside his head", see log-0000-2.

Only one day after SCP-0000-1 caused D-245 to glow, D-245 died of unknown causes.
Further testing has been temporarily discontinued.

Interviewed: D-343

Interviewer: Dr. B. Noor.

Foreword: During log-0000-1 it was reported that one of the creatures that comprise SCP-0000 was "Inside my head" as said by D-343.

<Begin Log>

Dr. B. Noor: "So, you said that it was inside your head, do you mind explaining this?"

D-343: "Alright then.. *sigh* so.. moments after one of those things caused my friend to start glowing, I.. I saw the other.. In my head.. It.. It was speaking to me."

Dr. B. Noor: "What did it say to you?"

D-343: "It.. It said "Greetings, little creature", as it said this I got an immense headache, it was so damn painful!"

Dr. B. Noor: "Did it say anything else?"

D-343: "I.. I don't remember much, the pain took my attention off of everything.. But what from I remember it said something about my intelligence being "too low" or something like that."

Dr. B. Noor: "Alright then."

<End Log>

Closing Statement: The D-343 was given B-class amnestics in order to forget about the telepathy.

Interviewed: SCP-000-2

Interviewer: Dr. B. Noor.

Foreword: After the discovery of SCP-000-2's telepathic ability, Dr. B. Noor had been eager to experience this ability for himself. He had recently been granted permission for this. All things that had been said by SCP-000-2 were written down by Dr. B. Noor.

<Begin Log>

Dr. B. Noor enters the containment unit with five armed guards for SCP-000-1 and two armed guards for SCP-000-2

Dr. B. Noor: "Smart owl, are you willing to talk?"

SCP-000-2 does not respond.

Dr. B. Noor: "I know that you can understand me, I also know of your telepathic ability."

Dr. B. Noor proceeds to write down "Smart owl said: You seem more intelligent than the other human…"

Dr. B. Noor: "Well of course I am, he was only a D-class."

Dr. B. Noor proceeds to write down "Smart owl said: So what is this place? Why are my sister and I here?"

Dr. B. Noor: "I'm not allowed to awnser either of those questions, also, I'm supposed to be asking the questions here!"

Dr. B. Noor proceeds to write down "Smart owl said: Very well then, what is it that you wish to know?"

Dr. B. Noor: "Alright then, *ahem*, so, how does your telepathic ability work? And how are you able to speak English?"

Dr. B. Noor writes "Smart owl said: I'm capable of speaking your language by copying it from your brain, and my ability to communicate with someone is dependent on their intelligence, the smarter they are, the longer I can communicate."

Dr. B. Noor: "Let's end it here, smart owl, my head is starting to hurt."

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Dr. B. Noor referred to SCP-000-2 as "smart owl", he has been requested to stop this and be more professional during the interviews.

scrapped ideas:
Lovebirds, didn't fit anymore.
Connection to Egypt, couldn't flesh it out enough.

new ideas:
Owls, European: knowledge, Mexican: death.
Marking for death via screech.
Scythe claw on death owl

important things to work on:
Clinical tone.
Fully working out the ideas, instead of leaving some unfinished.