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Greenlights acquired gamer, phase 1 completed

Item#: XXXX
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") are to be prepared with antimemetic training and tested psychologically monthly to test how susceptible they are to suggestions. MTF Mu-4 is to browse the internet weekly (with the assistance of A.I memetic hazard detectors.) in search of SCP-XXXX instances and are to use grade A password decryption to break into users' accounts to "Self-Delete" posts. Foundation personnel who have seen SCP-XXXX are to report to MTF Mu-4 and be monitored in case of any behavior change.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an informative medium-based memetic hazard primarily shared through social media, websites, and newspaper articles. Common themes within the information presented include the warping of scientific knowledge, the fabrication of historical events, and conspiracy theories. It commonly affects individuals with little critical thinking, people who are susceptible to confirmation bias, and a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories. People who have seen SCP-XXXX are hereby designated as SCP-XXXX-1 and undergo a behavioral change.

Individuals who have seen SCP-XXXX begin to exhibit traits such as the decreased ability to discern factual information from incorrect information, memory loss, vulnerable to occult behavior, and perpetuation of misinformation. They may also exhibit symptoms of paranoia and derealization and/or depersonalization. As of █/██/20██, an amnestic is being developed to provide a potential cure for behavioral change.1 An estimated 100,000 people have shown signs of having seen SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX's origins have been linked to a cultist movement based in ████████, UT, U.S.A named "Order Of The Forgotten", believing themselves to be not from this universe. Through Operation Infiltration (Codename: "I Put A Spell On You." See Addendum █/██/20██), there are around 100+ active members members within the headquarters. The leader of the cult remains anonymous, but oversees operation under a unknown pseudonym.

As of now the Cult has been put on High-Watch by the Foundation, and a GoI application for the cult is pending.

Discovery Log █/██/20██: Foundation agents were made aware of SCP-XXXX when police responded to a dispatch call in, ██, U.S. about a disruptive neighbors, and hearing sounds of screaming and strange sounds coming from the adjacent house. The investigation report describes the interior being covered in strange markings and describing a strange cult name. The house was registered with the name "Seth Martins" and a journal containing his name has been left inside the house. The contents have been displayed here for research into the cult's recruiting methods.

Discovery Log ██/██/20██: Months after initial discovery, more cases of SCP-XXXX-1 begin spreading. Cases seemingly linking to each other by describing a certain location, assumed to be a base-of-operations for an active cult. SCP-XXXX and the cult involved at this point have been put on special watch by the foundation.